- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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Hello Bitshare.
I am an active user, last days I had some worse days. Give me a platinum rank, please :)
I can guarantee you won't regret it.
username: AristoUp
Completed 2011-09-25 23:57
Completed 2011-10-03 0:03

But still nothing arrives paypal
are waiting for almost 2 days
Please complete Bitshare friend paypal payment
User cadagoto ..
and please return my thanks to Platinum range
titousekr: It should be done already, if its completed its either on way or already done.

sarmil01: They are on checked status, please wait to release it soon. Other payments are not affected.

cadagoto: Right. :)

Those asking about rank, you better make sure you have at least 200-300 downloads daily and 2 sales every 10.000 downloads. If you have that, contact us or wait for rank update.
Hello Bitshare I think your old system was better for me
had discharges in area B ... Spain
now rank this way is unfortunate for me
Vip offers an extended lifetime ..... but I see not keep his word
in low range just so I can not keep up files ........
was good, while working with you .. greetings
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