- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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878652107: You have 4 downloads daily, with that you wont come long. Your sales are ok.

pocs: This problem is gone even before we set our new system on.

likeop: Your account rank is set automaticly.

pregg: No, its platinum.

VictorVal: Ok, so you had 10 TB in your Account and probably no activity in sales/downloads. Whats your problem? With 10 TB you would never rank high with such low stats. The more files you have, the more STATS you need. Keep files low, you will rank faster and dont need much stats. :)

best87: You are currently GOLD, work harder.

deniroblack: System downgrade you because you had no sale. This means, you use our service on unproductive sites or (and) no mirrors. Same like others in this thread: If you have no sales you will rank down.

cfs5403: If you have a problem always give us your account name. If you dont want to public that, PM us.
my lifetime platinum was downgraded yesterday to silver and right now the bar is going down fast so it will reach copper soon. I have tree payments in queue, the oldest from the 03 of july, by today its 17 days waiting, usually it has been 15 days max waiting.

I have been with your hosting almost since you started working (my account is registered as 29-11-2010). Please help me recover my platinum and process the payments. Thanks.
frogcoin: No problem, please give us your account/username to check that.

Payments currently on completed at some guys. Please wait for that to be resolved today.
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my platinum is downgrade to Copper and the download got down very low in yesterday and today maybe system have some problem .

payout request in 2011-06-10 16:03 still not recieve money ( the status still keep to in queue )

please give me plantium rank

my id:billy219


i m premium member
What was all this lifetime platinum you guys talk about?
How can I make bitshare to give me lifetime platinum??

I have been with bitshare since 2010-11-16?

Bitshare, can you explain this? why 266 on 19 July stat pay, can be less than 207 on 14 July? All this stat is when I have been a platinum the stat seem weird?
Sorry I hardly complaint but this just look strange

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bitshare , u gave me lifetime plantium rank , why set down it ? , and what happend with statics ?

i alway upload to bitshare , why my rank down ?

please upgrade me to plantium rank thank you
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frogcoin: Stats seem to be lower.

likeop: Your rank goes down if you have too low stats. But your rank is not lower, its still platinum. Which account you are referring too?

worlockt: Done, have fun. :)

boyizsleep: You have 0 sales.

Added after 18 minutes:

Again some information for you: Free or Guest users files are deleted after 30 days of inactivity. This means, no download in 30 days, your files get deleted. If you are Premium, your files never gets deleted. Only if someone abuse or delete it from filemanager.

Ranking is only possible with a good download and sales ratio. If you have over 10.000 downloads and 0 sales, you will not rank. If you have 10.000 downloads and 2-3 sales, you will rank very easy.
Files and storage also is a big factor. Dont spam us with files because this will only hurt your ratio. Atleast keep the downloads higher than the uploaded files.

In next month we will introduce the new reward option: Pay per Sale. Be sure to check this out.
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deniroblack: System downgrade you because you had no sale. This means, you use our service on unproductive sites or (and) no mirrors. Same like others in this thread: If you have no sales you will rank down.

No prob, i'm deleting all my files.

EDIT: 1.1 TB deleted, bye bye!
You have deleted my account with 4 payment in pending? (200 - 300 $)
Are you serious?
A reliable filehost cannot delete an account without any reason.
Every user can delete personal file if he want. Why i have to keep alive your link if you pay
3$ for 1000 download if other host pay 26$?
I sent a pm to the admin of wjunction.
Really i hope you fix my account or you risk to go out of wjunction.
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Don't remove your files from bitshare... they will delete your account without reason and they don't pay for the hard work that we do for earning something...
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