- Porn Hosting - Streaming adult videos up to 1080p


Jennifer´s Husband
Premium Member
Dear Wjunction Users,

I would like to introduce our adult video tube service. is an adult video portal site, like youtube, but our focus is soley adult content, but it has some special features that other host do not have. We will explain below:

We accept any video file formats, our special video encoding algorithm gives you stunning quality while making the videos smaller and faster to download.
Our video technology makes sure that the videos are encoded very fast on a very good quality while maintaining a very small file size, letting users stream videos really fast.

We have a comfortable user Interface for your videos, Organize your videos and put them in folders. Make videos public so they appear in the bitporno search results, export mass links.

Statistics - see total views, views per country and hourly statistics in our stunning statistics panel.

Amazing user settings:
Player Settings: Use your own logo in the player, remove titles and descriptions, activate anti-adblock, and add a backlink for your logo

We have our own-made scripts and configurations, so the videos encodings will start immediately, without seeing “Buffering 0%” Our stream is excellent, including asian countries.
You can upload in multiple Threads through the Browser Upload after the video is upload a link/embed code will be generated.

Breakdown of Features:
Up to 1080p HD Quality.
Support for mobile Phones
Support for HTML5 as Primary
Useful Video Manager with Folders Management, Export functions and categorizing Videos.
Multi-Threads Upload
z-o-o-m uploader tool support
Good streaming speed.
Unlimited space / Almost no delete from inactivity, only when there is limited space, we will delete the files that haven’t been viewed in awhile, first, except for public videos in the Gallery.

Rules & Conditions is simple:
Only adult content is allowed, no normal vids are allowed.
No child pornography!
No revenge porn!
No zoophila videos!
No teen videos!
Any violations of these rules may have your account permanently deleted

If do you have suggestions or tips, we are happy to hear it and try to improve ourselves any further.

Special Deals:
If you have enough decent traffic, you can get 360p to 1080p quality modes and only 1 popup per view. Contact me.

Feel free to test us. We wish you best luck, if you choose us as your hoster.
Link to register:
Last edited:
convert not working corect
Source Format: QuickTime / MOV, Duration: 00:27:00, bitrate: 8 kbit
Video: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10, yuv420p, 1920x1080, 23.98 fps, 8 bit video
Audio: AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), 48000 bit, 2 channels, 191 kbit
but the converted video is 5 sec
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Declined to pay, But not added account balance? Not solved the problem for 7 days. I got in contact with support, but the problem not corrected. Please help. Thanks. Account id: 80612[TABLE="class: cms_table_cms_table_payments_table, width: 100%"]
[TH="width: 50, align: center"]ID[/TH]
[TH="width: 200, align: center"]Sum[/TH]
[TH="width: 275, align: center"]Date[/TH]
[TH="width: 125, align: center"]Status[/TH]
[TD]Payout of 24.73 $[/TD]
[TD]on 12.03.2017 11:15[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #CCCCCC"]Declined[/TD]


[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular][TABLE="class: cms_table_cms_table, width: 1572"]
[TD]Account balance

4.44750 $ - 0.01154 ฿[/TD]

Why some idiots upload the some video 5-6-7 times?

Prob. they dont know how to get traffic. They should be grateful that Bitporno brings them extra traffic, because we submit every public videos on various sites automaticly.

We are upgrading the infrastructure into bigger infrastructure, more encoding speed, more file storage length with more than 90 days, faster page speeds, etc.
Rates went down to rapidly since 6 am today?! I have only almost half of the earnings since then with constant views. Is there something wrong with your counting system or did you really shave the rates ~ 50 percent again?

Other hosters still offer almost 3 times higher rates. :( Why so low now?
high Infrastructure cost for 1080p, spammers, 4 formats etc. Use for 40$ rates

So this is supposed to stay at this very low level permanently? I understand that all this is expensive but shaving earnings suddenly and again overnight without a notice is not really fair. A few months ago your rates were similar to the competitors..

What do you mean by "use"? So should I upload my XXX stuff to rapidvideo instead of bitporno for tolerable rates?
Its not a shaving, you have to understand this as we are the only host with 4 formats up to 1080p. Its not good anymore to add more stupid upload and storage rules, also not good if the encodings and payments often are stuck, so its best to reduce rates and improve good user expericeres.

And yes, if you dont need 720p, you can use for XXX too, there is only 1024x576p and fast streams. Its optimized to have better user expericeres and for money making both.
Bitporno was my third video hosting, when i started using it many months back. It was good until now. When you halfed the rates - we stood by you, considering the costs you bear and sine we do have many views perday - so it didn't affected us. But now our rates have fallen substantially inspite of having 1000's views per day and all that is because of you again decreasing the rates overnight, to nothing. U really don't care about your uploaders this has been proven. We should have listened to that guy who was asking us to boycott bitporno. But now it will happen. You eat our uploaders income by saving your income.

And what do you mean you do us a favor by uploading on different sites. You are the first file hoster i have met with so much arrogance. Probably u think u have grown enough. But let me remind you you are not the only file hosting website - there are better options available and everyday those options increases.
And actually we uploaders do you a favor by hosting our files on your site and bring you the views. Imagine your hosting site without uploaders at all - which soon will happen.

And after you making unilateral moves with in few months - u have lost our trust completely. I will not trust even your rapidvideo site because it is the same dishonest webmaster like you thats operating it. And when it will grow like bitporno - u will be ready to backstab your uploaders like you have done now. So, u are completely off the table for us now.

No web hosting site has given me such experience. I am so annoyed by this move - that if you would come in front of me, i would give you a tight slap on your face.
Sorry u idiot stefan - u can't have our files on your site from now. Mark my words - i will make every webmaster known to me, to drop and boycott your bitporno and rapidvideo site. I will make you know - how it feels when your income decreases. You just wait and watch.

You should be grateful for getting free money from us, by submitting your videos to various sites on automatic.

Use if you want make big money, but you seems not using it. Why? I think you want our unique feature.

You are one of the types who likes to force hosts to pay the impossible.

As i explained already, 1080p Hosting cannot be possible with high rates. Why not follow the example of webmasters, earn big money from your sites with your own ads.

End of Discussion.

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