- Streaming Platform - $50/10000 Views


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Hi, We are, one Streaming platform without limits.


We offer Unlimited Storage/Traffic.
No Premium Needed, Everything is Free.
No Download Speed Limits.
Legal Adult Content are Allowed.*
We Have Affiliate Program Our PPV Rates. (
Views are counted upto 4 within 24 hours per user/ip
API Available at

What is the minimum Payout:
- Minimum Payout is just $15 USD.

How long do you host my files:
- Files will be deleted after 90 days of inactivity.

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I can not even get the video embed codes because of the ads!

I've clicked 15 times to get the embed code and I've been flooded each time !

Buddy... It's great you're trying to make money with the ads but you need to take a moderate approach.
It's really sad when the people who upload the videos can not access them because of of the ad insanity.

Going full tilt crazy with the ads only pisses people off and forces them to look elswhere.
use export option or use adblocker
1. I am running an adblocker

2. I'm worried about the experience people surfing my site are going to have.

I want the money but you can't go full-retard with the ads. 2 or 3 ads is the most someone should have to experience before being allowed to see their video.
Well, we can hope that 1 day everything will be normal, now we have just to give time to the admin and wait for the good results.
If the ads cant be contained then it is better to remove the 1% watch requirement so users can get paid as soon as the ads are clicked instead of visitors having to play the video as they are not able to play the video without closing upwards of 10 ads.

Other requests:
1. add cloning files inside the filemanager.
2.Remote uplaod from Doodstream.
If the ads cant be contained then it is better to remove the 1% watch requirement so users can get paid as soon as the ads are clicked instead of visitors having to play the video as they are not able to play the video without closing upwards of 10 ads.

Other requests:
1. add cloning files inside the filemanager.
2.Remote uplaod from Doodstream.
or lower it to 0.5%
so bigwarp is not for you, keep searching elsewhere

This is really common sense. You're either thinking like a 3rd world scammer or you're thinking like a businessman.

I want to make money but to do that I want to provide as pleasurable experience as possible for my 'customers.'

Play the long game and people will keep coming back to your site. OR.. piss them off with dozens of ads and eventually people stop coming to your site.

So.. Yup... I'm searching elsewhere to see what other options I have.
@HipHorray, so in your case the best solution will be to create your own page, add your own ads and you should add movies to an external player where there will be no ads at all. All this is the best solution. The only problem is that you have to invest some money in your own page and know how to properly manage this own page.
@HipHorray, so in your case the best solution will be to create your own page, add your own ads and you should add movies to an external player where there will be no ads at all. All this is the best solution. The only problem is that you have to invest some money in your own page and know how to properly manage this own page.

The best solution is to take advantage of capitalism and see what others are offering.

What you've said is a possiblity but I'm primarily a content producer. I just want a quick way to blow out some old content and it's just going to take too much time and work doing it your way.

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