- Earn up to $5/1000 views.

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Kindly advice how you choose thumbsnails before uploading? That's done on your own computer
You can resize them manually in the string of code given.
what i mean is most image host have this option to choose 100x100 (small thumb) 180x180(standard thumb) and 250x250( large thumb ) , i don see any of this option on your site , can you kindly add it , thank you
hifl - Understood, I will look into adding this.

thank for reply , currently using the default size thumbnail of 300x300 on the forum , will replace it with 250x250 size when you have it

Added after 4 minutes:

Not good rate:

  • Earn $2 per 1000 views.
  • Minimum Payout $10

Good luck!

higher rate means more ad , user and forum will not like it , stable and reliable is what i looking for :)
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so, you didn't answered here about adult images. I just do adult images. If you don't allowed I'll stop use your host. I don't have time to replace images for another host. Just say here to everybody
We will add various sizes, so this should be one of them yes.

Added after 1 Day:

Update: ETA on the thumb nail options should be next week.

Added after 7 Days 1:

Our rates have been updated for the affiliate program.
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How long are images stored?

For free registered member, your images will be stored on our server for up to 365 days after the last view. However, for anonymous users, images will only be stored for up to 120 days after the last view.

is this true , from what i know , all image on image host are stored indefinitely , if delete anonymous user image , then it ok , but please do not delete register user image ok , and thank you for the new rate , i like it
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We will check into that for you hifl maybe we can modify it :)

I'm glad you like the new rates!

Added after 1 13 minutes:

We will be adding the thumbnails option very soon also.
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