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extension file ".flv" format video

No vision online.

.avi reproductor no active, error page.

Added after 7 minutes:

Serious problem.

Having the embed code if the link is wrong instead of showing unavailable video redirects to the Bigfile web page by removing the user from my site.
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Would you recommend this filehost? I am thinking to share adult, and working for PPS... gonna share on my personel website.
Nope, I reached the ppd quota to apply for pps, then was told they don't do it anymore. Wasted a 3 month premium and a lot of time. Got them sales though , but I was on ppd at the time. They also auto block files names , a lot of blacklisted words so it's just not practical to use them , unless you rename everything . I regret wasting my time and money on this host, maybe they changed but for me its been a ride of disappointment for a pps user

Plus their ads are some of the worst virus ridden ads i have even seen on a host, sent my windows defender crazy, avoid , but just my opinion and experience
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For free users: 3 minutes wait (increased), the page reload after enter the captcha to download the file. I have tried donwload a file without premium, this loop happend 3 times, I gave up after that.
Users already report about this and may be the cause of low stats.


See PM. I have sent a link file with this problem. My visitors are still complaining about this.
Please check. Thank you.

Still happening. My visitors are reporting this daily. When will be fix?
Yesterday I bought a premium 1 month account from one of their resellers.

As I suspected I never received the voucher for premium and they kept my money to themselves.

I bet they dont even send any of that money to Bigfile either.

Be careful bying from resellers is all I am saying.
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