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I have downloads but not earn nothing. Why ?

welcome to the team
this site from uploaded time, they are always tricking you
and dont count your downloads if you are on ppd
i really feel sad ppd users of this host
i finally found a good ppd
i never use rapidgator bigfile to or uploaded
of course you can use it for pps
but ppd they really cheat
BIGFILE sucks now in these days was very good all downloads count full good earning no worries now every thing is fucked up i m leaving this host earning is 0.60 $ per
well hope doest support us bro untill bigfile realy do something they down the ppd rates and now its almost nothing my earnig was 6,7$ perday now its is 0.6 per day 2nd before that my all downloads counted now my downlaods are half and my work is still same they are cheating i m leaving this host now it is lost. uploadrocket is better then bigfile right now if bigfile establish again then it is fine.
Thanks for payment in advance but still downloads not counted full sir. earning is soo much low then before. if u can do something about that it would be great.
me too, time to ask again for premium account extension. ID: Mike8989a
it is now expired and become basic account which can't even upload now (anything uploads fail with status Exceeded Upload Limit).
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Hello! Bigfile-Jo.
Suddenly, I can not use the browser to download files from the link.
It shows: The remote server was not found. link has been discontinued ??
Can you tell me? Thanks!
Been waiting ages to be approved for PPS, could you let me know if that is something you will do, if not let me know. I have reached the min requirements.

Jo, I have been waiting ages now, please approve or i'll need to find another host.

Got PPS on RG Jo, if you don;t want to approve my PPS even though i have met your min requirements i'll happily move, just let me know what the situation is. thanks
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