- Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

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roseredbut: How slow is slow for you? Should be able to grab 10 MB/s for a file.

Tele: Resend the verification. This is found under your account settings tab. Then check your junk mail.

Jogue28: You need to register first... You couldn't even see the $0.00 tab because that's restricted until you've registered.
roseredbut: How slow is slow for you? Should be able to grab 10 MB/s for a file.

Tele: Resend the verification. This is found under your account settings tab. Then check your junk mail.

Jogue28: You need to register first... You couldn't even see the $0.00 tab because that's restricted until you've registered.

download speed 6000 Kbps
Well, I created an account on Z, how it works? i choose PPD on Z website, and now? I just start to upload my files and will be ok? or I need to do something more?
My new Username is: jogue2016
roseredbut: Not bad when the cap is set to 10,000 Kbps

rafaeltuz: You can do this yourself ;)

jogue28: Simple, you login to BF, upload your files, send them to friends and family and when they download you'll see a change in the statistics :)
hello jo

roseredbut: How slow is slow for you? Should be able to grab 10 MB/s for a file.

Tele: Resend the verification. This is found under your account settings tab. Then check your junk mail.

Jogue28: You need to register first... You couldn't even see the $0.00 tab because that's restricted until you've registered.

i came back to bigfile i was at uploadable some times but i just started again to upload but i cannt see the earning task can you help me? my user is : wingsofliberty , i will wait for your response thanks.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Premium account please[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]User : Chrono[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Premium account please[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]User : valfann[/FONT]

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