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Hello Jo!
Please Help me: Upgrade my account : maisuport2k14
I sent PM
Thanks & Best Regards!
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yepes: ".mp4" files will be able to stream now. I still don't know what
you mean.

mrkel: You haven't done much to improve.

roseredbut: You should be capable of this :-)
Pls, Give me acc Premium

Dear ad.
I'm Blackmenblackmen
My acc is Premium, until 26, sep, 2016
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Please Upgrade to Premium my Account
Thank for your help
agldmd: 1 second. We have a system in place that will track for fraud,
so only legitimate users will be counted (and we will be excluding all
IPs that comes from servers [i.e. Debrid rented places], so whoever sits
with a 20,000 IP "block(s)" can forget about cheating us).
Roberto: News can be found in Z.

blackmen2016: You can definitely do that yourself ;-)

Watch18Plus: You're asking what has already been done: Raw count: File Manager. Real count: Zen.

Other hosts gives your files 7 days and pays you $4/1000 downloads :-)

For PPV, you can still make on PPD.Who else gives you this? Name me one.
Thanks for pay this
2016-09-21 -$xx.68 PayPal - sgninfa@xxx Paid on 23 Sep 2016

But why not pay this????

2016-09-07 -$xx51 PayPal - sgninfa@xxx Pending

Pls pay this, i need, thanks jo.

Videos work good :D
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Embed video codes automatically redirecting to page of bigfile, and users can't see nothing more of this post, and we can't to return to edit that post because it redirects as soon as it is opened.
Do you can fix it?
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Hi Jo[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Upgrade to Premium my Account, Please[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]User Name Blackscorpion[/FONT]
valfann: I don't follow. If you're a Premium you get unlimited. If you're free you get 500GB. This 500GB for a free user cannot be increased "manually" from our end.

Added after 1 30 minutes:

Fergar: We fixed the problem. Thanks for reporting.

We also want to hear from users how we can improve our stream function, what you guys are looking for etc.
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