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Get used to it. Jo will no doubt say everything is tickety-boo, nevertheless, the download counting of this host appears to be awful at best. And why is everyone writing "Z" in all the posts? Even my cat knows what "Z" stands for.

can not understand, what you try to tell me.
@tora what do you use ( reffering another - df ? )

Jo , if you dont improve counting sistem , a lot of uploaders will leave ..

I am using 2 host at the moment :
- bigfile - 400kb/s dl free 90 sec wait time - 120-150 average downloads
- another - 50kb/s dl free 90 sec wait time unique ip - 350-400average downloads completed...

On bigfile i have like 15tb uploaded
On another i have like 2tb uploaded
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]PPD Host![/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]PPS Host![/FONT]
Seem that ALL my files are for PREMIUM USERS ONLY, free users cannot download anything, please how i can disable this? i want that my files will be for free users too. i dont choice this option i cannot find how to remove this

please let me know Jo
jogue28: Check your Z, WM ending with "675".

coolro: This isn't a thread for "how much you uploaded", or a thread for "how bad you're doing". This is a thread for support, so questions such as "your files cannot be downloaded!" or "the site is down", will be read and answered - The rest will be ignored. Thanks.

Ayaka: If you want charity you go with... Fill in the blanks.

ladri: Files below 2048 MB are for anonymous and free users.

Walter.White: If you know, you know, if you don't, I can't help you.

Added after 1 24 minutes:

Dear All,

During "Happy Hour" (non-peak), we will increase speed to over 1MB/s for anonymous and free users.

Wait time is reduced during week-days and increased during weekends. This will continue for a few months until we are back to the same level as before, and we can all find the same equilibrium we were satisfied with in the beginning.

I commend some of you for not being short-sighted and who can see this as a bigger picture.

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gibalah: Yes that should be very possible to do. Don't think people realized until now, how awesome it was to be able to store up 100TB by paying 12.99 (or 9.99) a month. ;)
gibalah: Yes that should be very possible to do. Don't think people realized until now, how awesome it was to be able to store up 100TB by paying 12.99 (or 9.99) a month. ;)

Jo, maybe you didn't notice because 1fichier and uptobox don't have affiliate programs enabling uploaders to earn money, but we can actually store more than 100TB there and their administrators had never said it's forbidden. The two French guys are really honest and trustworthy. I know 1fichier has their own datacenter in Netherlands, and uptobox hosts their servers on OVH, so the price can be so cheap. I can understand your environment is different, so the storage might be more expensive. However, some competitors are actually existed. :)
gibalah: Yes that should be very possible to do. Don't think people realized until now, how awesome it was to be able to store up 100TB by paying 12.99 (or 9.99) a month. ;)

JO what about My Account Problem Solved or Not My Username is : Soomro i pm'ed You 2 Times Remote Upload Problem
RapidVideo: Miscalculation on...?

gibalah: Ask them to pay you, and see how quickly they will put a speed
cap and storage capacity down. You can't have the best of all worlds.

fernandito: Not sure if we can add this for all the files for yet. Will
have to revert back.

Silkystar: We are quite busy fixing some other issues on the site, but
will get to the remote issue as soon as we can.

Let me reiterate again that we are not here to answer your verbal
vomit of how much you make, how much you are not making, and how much it
rains in your bucket. This is a support thread and anything unrelated
will be removed.
Bigfile -jo I have almost all of the files on the 400 MB and I have 677 files downloads and deduct and pay only 133 downloads, how to understand it, Joe? Explain how you think the download, and then something just do not understand
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