- Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

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vol7: 2 issues then.

First one, you will have to tell me where you are remote uploading from?
URL, FTP, or another host.
Second, you will need to logout and login again after you've redeemed
your voucher.

Tranqui36: Push push push push.
the first. try to upload via url and does not leave me, sends me at home page
from the ftp and tells me that already exceed the storage limit
because my account is still as basic
the second: already did yesterday and today and I still find as basic
Hi Jo,

Send you my username via pm but still nothing changed. I need an affiliate pps activation asap please .

1) please activate pps and affiliate for user mcmoore- zenopy says I need to upload a screenshot of past earnings and earn 10 dollars on ppd, can I skip this please, I want pps

2) Please can I have a 30 day premium to start me off.

Need this within the next day or so, I have files on my 2tb server waiting to ftp over.

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Premium Acc

Dear Ad;
I'm Phuongcute. I jointed Uploadable (now: Bigfile) since 2014-2015.
My acc is free at 18/08/2016. I cannot upload file.
I creat a new acc: Blackmenblackmen.
I hope you consider and give a pre acc for me
My E not well.
Thank for your help
SekaiTR: We have something called Safe Box which gives you 10TB of storage - Files located in this "folder" will never be deleted. You will have to be Premium to get this.

SBTeaM: Go to BF, account settings, and send the email verification off.
hifi: I would think it is still working.


SBTeaM: That mainly comes down to the cost we face; exchange rate, service charge (& commission) from our handler and Paypal's own fees. You can choose to use Webmoney as that's only $2.
socker: I can't be doing this as it doesn't even look like you're using
our service.

B4BL_: Not sure what you mean with conditions. If you want to see more
go to: - #1 Easy & Fast File Storage ...And get signed up.

But I'm updating my posts where is it shared and everyday downloading people..from your I uploading files but wasn't done everyday..

well.. no premium, no work..

thank you for the last payment on friday.. honest hosting.. all the best
socker: If you get going again we will consider of course. Something for something, right? ;)

I can say we are always honest and the quickest in every possible way - There is no reason not to choose BF.
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