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[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Please BigFile-Jo can you activate my affiliate program ?[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]My account is: [/FONT]gokuzgt1


Same here Bigfile-Jo, can you activate my affiliate program?

Account: YakuzaDk

Gordiano: Always been that.

UrSoulIsMine: You should be able to upload up to 10GB files as a Premium member.

EmaMedina2016: We are not behind on anything. It's called every Friday.

dataporter: It counts when we confirm it isn't a bot.

Did you ignore my question? 2 weeks from your last reply ticket and i'm not receive refund.
Added after 3 minutes:

G4U55: We would never limit the upload speed.

EmaMedina2016: You haven't pressed the button.

fordmen: No approval needed. Think it is fixed now.

gokuzgt1: Apply yourself at - #1 Easy & Fast File Storage

yuchiro: That's not on our side. If we have issued refund it is up to the processor and bank to issue it. This may take up to 30 days.

PutYourHandUp: - #1 Easy & Fast File Storage ....How am I ignoring? Check your PM. Was in there.

socker: Yes we are.

maniakasi: Thanks for your valuable input. What makes us a bad host? Best file speed and wait time.

Ayaka: Back again now.

We are currently charging $2 for WM and $4 on Paypal. This is a fixed fee.
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Hello Jo.
I send that check for security reasons payment method and then sent me here and I jump this poster.
I do not get any other buttons to push

User: AdrianBk
yuchiro: That's not on our side. If we have issued refund it is up to the processor and bank to issue it. This may take up to 30 days.

If you refund, i will receive within a day or up to 4 days. I think you dont refund. The first time you say 7 days, now up to 30 days ? And what's happen if i still receive nothing, will you say up to 90 days again ?!!! ?

Btw, my premium was cancell on 30-Mar how i be charged on Jully ?

Please explain the difference between basic traffic volume and additional traffic volume. I guess the basic traffic volume is allocated once after someone purchased a premium and the additonal traffic volume will be used after the member runs out of basic traffic volume.

In addition, I saw some people complained their Basic Traffic Volume is "0.00 GB / 0.00GB" and Additional Traffic Volume is "50.00GB / 50.00 GB (Will be extended by 50GB daily to max. 0GB)". They said they couldn't download anything, but it seems that they still have 50GB traffic, isn't it?
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