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Hey all,

Murphy's Law has repeatedly caught us out on Saturday, Sunday and yesterday. We have now fixed for Monday but seems that records for Saturday and Sunday may have gone missing; if so, we will prepare something for you later.

On another update, we are still waiting for our 3rd party processor to initiate funds for PP. We believe this could be tomorrow or Thursday. No changes to WM.

Hey all,

Our 3rd party processor on PP royally screwed it up. They're now rectifying it, this should be hopefully done within a few days.

Unfortunately, it means that PP won't go out this week, and we got fingers crossed for next week. WM will be going out as scheduled.

Hey all,

Our 3rd party processor on PP royally screwed it up. They're now rectifying it, this should be hopefully done within a few days.

Unfortunately, it means that PP won't go out this week, and we got fingers crossed for next week. WM will be going out as scheduled.


Jo can you upgrade my account please Id: Sahil00150
I am already working and have uploaded few files storage is full now and already earning on PPD wanna work more so can you upgrade it?
Hi bigfile

Hello, I used Bigfile from the previous version, but I have 5k website with almost daily visits, my most used accommodation is, but I would like if I could give a premium account.

Payout Account History

Transaction Date
Payment Account

  • 2016-04-21
    Payout service charge
  • 2016-04-21
    WebMoney - 122996106906
    Where is my money?
  • WTF?
Folder can't move to Safe Box !!
Anything outside of the Safe Box will be removed after 90 days of inactivity for Free and Premium user ??
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