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Active Member
Big Thanks to Pornbb.

I made a good banner and congratulated Pornnb Admin and Mod (Nightbreeze).
And also conveyed my Thanks to the Filehost that is being predominantly used there.
As Pornbb traffic is Tumbling day by day and week after week, it will and it is immensely benefiting our Pornb blogs. Once Pornbb Alexa Rank will be 30k and more, it will game over for them and also for that particular Filehost, that was ripping benefits at the cost of Pornbb's traffic.
If planetsuzy will not learn from the Pornbb saga, it will end up biting dust, just like Pornbb.

Guys, dont waste time in Pornbb, Make your own Porn blog and use a good Host, that is generous enough. Dont choose any greedy host.
Bottom-line is as Pornbb is losing traffic sharply, other blogs and forums would be greatly benefited. That is why I Thanked Pornbb staff and Filejoker.

Once Pornbb owned by Filejoker started banning members who were not using Filejoker, pornbb traffic started declining.
@Chudai I fully agree with you.

I worked hard in Pornbb and other forums for many years - just to get booted from Pornbb ONLY - unless I used a certain host.

I refused and started my own blog 1 year ago in June - and my earnings have doubled in 1 year and the amount of work is much much less now.

Never gonna post in forums again for pennies.

I am doing the same... Not to be a slave of any forum for traffic or any filehost. Once you will have good traffic, filehosts will be after you with more offers.

That is why, I thanked Pornbb and Filejoker for teaching me something useful.

Special Thanks Filejoker, for making Pornbb go down like Titanic.

I am getting good traffic and while interacting with visitors, I got to know their displeasure with the Joker. They are paying so much and getting so less traffic. The lowest in the industry.
Pornbb is on a free fall now with Alexa ranking falling sharply and traffic is going down. Nothing can stop it now. Keep banning Guys who post keep2share links and Keep spamming with Filejoker links.

The FJ shit is the main reason for this. I am so happy with this Free fall of Traffic. Ultimately, Pornbb admin and the Nighbreeze and Inlan will be the ones left for posting.
Nightbreeze keeps banning for stupid reasons, i had 70000+ posts and after that he banned me without a warning that i am flooding the forum with my posts wtf
I agree 110%.
Being slave of forums and Filejoker many years and pulling some traffic to my blog.
Filejoker is incredible greedy host which will suck your soul.
It is far away better working on your own, with smaller, honest host and working on traffic hardly, results will come.
Good luck to all. . .
They turned into shit and they banned me too for multi accounts even I had changed IP and everything. The real reason was I was using RG there and K2S.

That forum will die soon, and like you said, more traffic for our blogs :)
They turned into shit and they banned me too for multi accounts even I had changed IP and everything. The real reason was I was using RG there and K2S.

That forum will die soon, and like you said, more traffic for our blogs :)

You didnt use the Filejoker Shit... so they banned you.
Traffic going down and down for Pornbb . This is so fantastic. Filejoker is also helping Pornbb to lose traffic. My porn blog's traffic is rising nicely.
Best advise is simply to quit Pornbb and spend a week researching how to start a WP blog.

It is really easy to get started - get a domain - get a host that offer 1 click installation and you are ready to go.

From there you can study how to get a better site and now after 1 year I had my first custom developed site and I paid a developer for this and man its worth every penny.

I only post on my blog now and my earnings are more than doubled now - I used to post in ALL forums and yes I used to be a FJ uploader also - but since I quit ps pbb fo vg etc etc I picked my own host and stuck with that.

Patience is virtue when startin a new blog - it needs some time to get posts and visitors and rankings but it will come.
Best advise is simply to quit Pornbb and spend a week researching how to start a WP blog.

It is really easy to get started - get a domain - get a host that offer 1 click installation and you are ready to go.

From there you can study how to get a better site and now after 1 year I had my first custom developed site and I paid a developer for this and man its worth every penny.

I only post on my blog now and my earnings are more than doubled now - I used to post in ALL forums and yes I used to be a FJ uploader also - but since I quit ps pbb fo vg etc etc I picked my own host and stuck with that.

Patience is virtue when startin a new blog - it needs some time to get posts and visitors and rankings but it will come.

Can I PM you ?
Once Pornbb used to be a giant forum with lots of traffic and deprive smaller blogs from traffic..

Now its been 8-10 months, Filejoker is killing the forum and traffic quality is just pathetic now. By Jan 2022. More fall would be there in traffic for sure.. Whereas Planetsuzy is maintaining traffic by allowing all deserving filehots and traffic is quite steady and so also sales.

Thanks to Filejoker and Pornbb owner for contributing in the rise of smaller sites by killing pornbb.

Pornbb & Filejoker are the reason I took out 2 weeks of my calendar and learned about creating a WP site and hosting etc.

After 1 year my revenue is up 300% per month and only my rules count.
I invested money in custom developed sites now also - waiting for that to show its effect also.

And still no ads on my sites exept for affiliate links to my filehost of choice.

I still believe there is a huge market for XXX blogs out there - blogs that stick to their niches and keep a simple and organized structure.
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