best browser?

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Best browser is combination of both Chrome and Firefox. Chrome as your main browser and Firefox for loading flash based sites. Chrome is well done to be bad at it.
I am using Mozilla Firefox, but it make me problems. I see here that many say that Google Chrome is the best. Maybe I will try Google Chrome, to see how it function.
I use firefox and it offers a lot of features and plugins. It's the fastest brower I have used and doesn't consume that much ram like Chrome does.
Certainly there are some browsers like Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer which are best. However you can't say which single one is the best browser. Every browser has it's unique features. So you need to try couple of browsers to fulfill your requirement.
I usually use Chrome for all my regular browsing, but when I don't want the old lady to see what I have been looking at I use FireFox :D
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