Best browser?

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It depends.If it comes to security Comodo Dragon is the best.Combined with free comodo internet security it creates virtual kiosk and no viruses can reach your comp.Even on my prehistoric Tecra T1 it runs smoothly(with or without comodo internet security)
Re: best browser

I am a web developer and I enjoy testing my applications with firefox and I use firefox for browsing. I have used chrome and I think it is faster than firefox in loading pages but firefox gives me the most satisfying result for my application design and I like its default placeholder color and font.
Firefox was best but since I moved to chrome I feel its more faster then other browsers, Now I only use other browsers for debugging purpose.
I use to be pro firefox but now I've switched to chrome. Chrome and Firefox are my main ones. Chrome only beats firefox because of chromes UI.
best browser

I would say the best browser is epicbrowser it is based on chromium the same software that is used to make google chrome. but with epic it is far safer as it is made for privacy and it has a built in proxy that bypasses virgins site restrictions on primewire and other sites. also you should be able to watch tv sites in the us from Britain with ease. I did not hear about it before as it is never realy mentioned but it got a good write up on so go and give it a try.
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