Best browser?

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My favorite is firefox. The reason for that is usefulness, do chrome, safari, or opera support the full version of firebug? No they do not, they may support the lite version, but firefox supports the full version. Also, why would anyone use a browser that makes them sign in to get the popular extensions, themes? Sorry, but I don't trust chrome when it comes to privacy, I trust firefox, opera, and safari more than chrome any day.
Currently , Firefox is the best browser available for developers and non-technical users. It has many Plugins which enables non-technical users to solve various issues by themselves, without any technical support. Also It is compatible with all platforms and never slows down or crashes in the middle of any page.
if your are a web designer then the mozilla firefox is the best one. It offers many tools that can help you in designing. And user chrome for everything else. Chrome is best overall.
I use Chrome but to be honest, i dont like googles monopol for internet search or use, so im realy thinking about to use another one, but FF is google 2 or not?
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