A angry cowboy Active Member 39 2015 4 0 May 17, 2015 #162 I use quickheal...its great and godd works for me...
H HostingFields Member 10 2015 0 0 May 18, 2015 #165 I used to love Kaspersky, been using it for years until my ISP started offering native ipv6. Anyway, Kaspersky for some weird reason blocks ping to any ipv6 address , with any of their software version. This was reported few times, but, still they did not figure out the problem.
I used to love Kaspersky, been using it for years until my ISP started offering native ipv6. Anyway, Kaspersky for some weird reason blocks ping to any ipv6 address , with any of their software version. This was reported few times, but, still they did not figure out the problem.
J John122 Member 8 2015 0 5 May 18, 2015 #166 I think Kaspersky is the best but very heavy, also I use mallware bytes for browsers spywares.
W Wire Member 14 2015 2 0 Jun 17, 2015 #175 anything that's for free but most of antiviruses are a pain having them anyway.
Z ZoroFiles Member 5 2015 0 0 Jun 25, 2015 #179 +1 Bitdefender total security also Eset Nod32 is very good too
A abukara Active Member 140 2010 56 6,330 Jun 25, 2015 #180 Vote for Kaspersky, even currently I am using only Windows 8's defender.