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They are good if you want to host crap, they don't care. I fail to see why would anyone use them for anything else.
Ecatel is number 2?! My current provider is near the bottom of the list ... Hmmmm... That list made me really stop and think...
Ecatel have been fine for me, it just depends on your situation/circumstances. They have been more than ideal and their support has been fine. After all, you can't expect support to reply within minutes, a day to reply is usually a good time frame to expect of someone.
Their customer support could suck for all I care... :P As long as their hardware's reliable and connection stable, you won't need their customer support staff...

Besides, I guess I can handle rude customer support people because I've handled rude CUSTOMERS a lot of times already! :)
I've never tested them, but I've considered them, glad I decided not to go with them.
You can turn it however you want, but they are very unpro, to me they even act childish.

I've read the thread on WHT and really I was astonished. Let us be fair I'm a client and I know clients can be big dickholes, so can I be, but they way they talk to their customers, they even threatened that client. It's really a shame. The image that I have of them right now is that it's run bunch of 16 years old kids.

A good hosting company, in whatever situation, always gives a brief and neutral reply.
I hope they start pulling conclusion about this and change the future of Ecatel.
I've never had a problem with Ecatel when I was with them.
Although their support might not be the fastest or the best mannered, they were always cool and respectful during their correspondence with me, be it with random emails or support tickets.

That aside, their network was one of the best I used at the time, and I never got less hardware than what I paid for. I even know server admins that bought servers and got EXTRA than what they paid for. Paid for 4GB RAM, got 8GB, paid for a 5TB 100Mbit, got a 100Mbit dedicated etc at no extra cost to them.

Yeah they get alot of problems with their upstream providers but only because they allow a lot of shit on their network. No matter how many bad reviews you find, they've been around a while now and they're still going strong, just goes to show how they're still reliable in some cases.
I have to agree that asking a whole bunch of questions does usually result in a customer that is "just not worth the money" - I do it myself. They want you to answer around 20 questions, then they "consider buying it in the future" - or when they have purchased it, they ask you every question from A-Z about how to use it.

Personally, its business. People like that are not worth the profit you make. I would rather they keep their money, because it's not worth my time helping them so much.

I say this with a pinch of salt, and also that this is very rarely the case. probably one or three in 500.

Secondly, i have to say that I do not contact customer support very often, but when I do, I expect an answer in a reasonable timeframe, and "High Priority" emails to be answered within a few hours. If my server is not working, I want it working, and I want it working NOW. Its as simple as that.

So.. Yeah I can understand not wanting to do business. Everybody reserves the right to say "no thanks" without reason. But.. Customer support is a major part in maintaining a customer-base and indeed more customers.

I should also probably say that i have never purchased an Ecatel server. Just thought i'd give my opinion.

Anyway. /rant.
I dont want to start any discussion with our reply below. Just wanted to say our words and sort some things out here.

Topicstarter started his topic only because we denied him to become our customer. We told him that we dont want his business. Because we make low profits. He also started the very same topic on other forums.. Whats his problem? Just go on, make a deal with another provider and continue your business. This can happen, companies are free to deny people they dont want to become their customer.

Regarding l0calh0st his posts in topic. I do not understand why he is so negative. I see he is working for One of the companies we ended all our contacts with (on our initiative!). We told them we are not interested in their business once they take over motionite their servers. We truely have a valid reason for that. Because we told them we dont want their business and did not renew their servers. Maybe this is the reason for the flaming about us in this topic? I cannot imagine any other reason. Regarding the upgrade issue, i know this happened in your account. One of our hardware suppliers did leave us in the dark. Finally we did upgrade your server and fixed the issue. If you wish to be compensated. Just PM me and i arrange something for you.

Telling we have issues frequintly with our upstreams? What a nonsense story. This happened once maybe 4 years ago and it affected us for a day? After that we did not have any issues with any of them? We are a member of AMS-IX since 2007 and deal with some carriers for YEARS. As a matter of fact we are expanding with them almost each 4-8 months to more and more capacity.

Regarding the not automatic reboot option, many of our servers have automatic reboot in their controlpanel. Some dont but if they open a 911 ticket they get almost INSTANT reply for a reboot.. Our customers can confirm this..
Speed issues should not occur in our network. If so please contact support and we will do everything what is possible to help you and solve the problems.

Currently our business is still growing and many of our customers are very happy with our services. 911 tickets can be opened in real emergency and our customers get almost instant replies to them. Ofcourse their will always be people negative, whatever we do their opinion will not change.

@Teks0427, you can always pm me or ask any questions. We are not that often on this forum but do our best. Else just open a ticket in our ticket system if you are in a hurry.

About our website which is not working correctly. I know. It is not good and must be solved sometime. If anyone knows any (good!!) webdesigners just PM me and i will forward it to the person in charge about our company.

I just wanted to tell anyone in this topic we do our best for our customers and take them serious. We are in business since 2005. That means we exist for 7 years now. If we are not serious and do not care about our customers then our business shouldnt have been on the net for such a long time and many coming years.

Currently we are bigger then we ever were and are expanding/migrating all customers from the old customer system to a new system.
They were here since December 09, back when Senior Management was testing out the Respected Host usergroup......what a fail that turned out to be. :facepalm:
They were here since December 09, back when Senior Management was testing out the Respected Host usergroup......what a fail that turned out to be. :facepalm:

Ecatel and TippiE were the only ones on the Respected Host usergroup so they were transferred at the time to the Respected Members. The Respected Host was not a fail usergroup. It wasn't just worth keeping it with two members so it was removed the time the Respected Coders group was formed as that had more members. Both of them are still respected.
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