Ayefiles.com - Ultra Free DL Speed | PPD upto 12$/1K | PPS (60% Sale + 50% Rebills)

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Too many ip max limit reached. make it at least count 2 to 3 times per ip.

Most of the hosts generate money for only unique downloads per IP per 24 Hours. But show other downloads as "Not Completed". Which could be confused if its really not completed / downloaders are happily completing their downloads.
We also generate money for unique IP download per 24 hours but uniquely show extra downloads from IP per 24 hours as "IP_MAX_LIMIT_REACHED", so uplaoder can understands their stats/downloader behavior better.
i write you before, dont you wanna earn sales?
7 days sale is good for me, i can bring many but ..
you must close pps users ads! you will earn from sales ...
is that possible
please answer this time
and also add ( waiting time for free users after 1st download - its a must)
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It is not clear to me, do you accept pornography or not?
All legal content is allowed.

Please check your PM

Replied and done.

Set VIP file rate $ of each file & get 70% of each file sale

if i choose it ,do you close ads for users?
i dont want ads, i can bring sales

Sorry to say but ads couldn't be disabled for free user. As we offer high speed for free users too even if uploader plan is PPS.
Only way is you can set VIP file sale. There won't be any ads on VIP sale page.

i cant do that
can you talk to me by pm
i wanna talk to you

Replay send in PM Thanks

Thank you for the account upgrade.

Welcome :)
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Waste of time
I set my account to .. mb for free users but users can download my files even over limit!
I shared 70 files today and got a big nothing
I wonder why amateurs start a business and admins here let them share
Big amateurs ,never answer to contact mails and settings dont work
Waste of time
I set my account to .. mb for free users but users can download my files even over limit!
I shared 70 files today and got a big nothing
I wonder why amateurs start a business and admins here let them share
Big amateurs ,never answer to contact mails and settings dont work

Kindly be patient.
We are here to keep working with you. It would be a lot easier if you could stick to one point of contact.
Mixing up things and sending different messages in PM/WJ thread/contact form wouldn't help much and makes things slower.
I couldn't do everything just in minutes. All your requests have been forwarded to related person (Affiliate manager/admin/developer) but it takes time to resolve the issue and get answer from team once done.
Only then I can update you.
please understand 1 thing
today i lost sales because of your amateur support
sometimes you should say sorry or accept your mistakes
you fixed some but,, when i put limit like 100mb for free users
they can download 50+50+50 or 40+90 etc
i mean , that limit must be whole ! not only for files over 100mb
i hope you can understand
and also your support is really slow
do you have a skype ..
if you dont earn from sales ,you cant continue forever
people wanna work with you but please be more caring..
i hope you will fix all soon
and another thing , if i didnt try and find your bugs, what would you do ? nothing
i think you owe me a sorry and thanks
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at

gives this message when trying to download 2nd file at the same time with 1st file
it must be say ( free users cant download 2 files at the same time)
seriously.. do you know filehosting??

and also still not fixed

daily free user limit 50mb
50mb over files cant be downloaded but 10 +40 +50+39+ etc etc is ok
really weird .. i hope you got all problems
i will wait ,i have to go to sleep
fix them soon
This site can’t be reached
The webpage at

gives this message when trying to download 2nd file at the same time with 1st file
it must be say ( free users cant download 2 files at the same time)
seriously.. do you know filehosting??

and also still not fixed

daily free user limit 50mb
50mb over files cant be downloaded but 10 +40 +50+39+ etc etc is ok
really weird .. i hope you got all problems
i will wait ,i have to go to sleep
fix them soon
Yeah sure thanks for pointing out that below option was not working properly. Its fixed now.
"Max download file size for free users"
This option clearly means max file_size free user can download.
We don't have option for user to limit daily traffic of their files. Maybe in future we'll think about it.
Below are only option for now.
You can set download speed to very low 15 KB/s
Set your files premium only completely.
Set one file public for demo and other files as premium only.

Skype: ayefiles@outlook.com
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