Awesome Gfx I have ever seen:-

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Just found my new wallpaper :P Thanks crazy stuff eh.
It's curious what Photoshop has done. There are so many Photographs you can't even tell if they are real or unreal. Same with magazines. All the stuff is manipulated. It's crazy! Photoshop is epic! People who know how Photoshop exactly works can do abnormal things!

This guy is just one of them.

No doubt that guy is a pro :)
@ Faiz, stop leeching threads.
And I am surprised to see that, now, after looking at these designs some people are realizing that they are n00bs in designing! :o
There is no professional artist here on WJ. You need to work your asses off to be like them. Proper institutions can help you reach that level.

Quoting Blaze from AS

Honestly speaking, Nik is in print media designing field from many years. He is a graduate in computer designing (etc.)
So why won't he able to make such designs....

If I or anyone take up courses to learn designing then even we can reach to his level at some day. My designs are not that much good and professional because I have self thought photoshop from the start. I never went to any designing courses nor do I have designing in my studies.
I'm in Industrial Electronics field where we have to deal with Transistors, Integrated Circuits, Micro Processor/Controller, etc. So the point is, designing is my hobby.

We should always try to learn out new things and yeah, practise them once we see it. This way it goes into our head. So do not discourage yourself by saying your noob. You are not pro, but you can become one.

There will be always a bigger fish in the water.
Well even though that guy is a designer, he got some shit skills, he can't even make a website. It's so huge, come on use thumbnails or smth, he is a noob -.-
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