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Do you work with Asfile?

  • Yes, I work

    Votes: 75 22.4%
  • No, I don't work

    Votes: 188 56.1%
  • I will work

    Votes: 72 21.5%

  • Total voters
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when did they last pay the affiliates?

2014/08/03 xx.xx у.е.

Your current balance: xx.xx USD
Заказано на выплату: xx.xx USD = Ordered to pay :xx.xx USD

just testing.... its just my 1st expierence with that service...
they are now at patm on psuzy! they are proud of that! but will they pay??????
Do u know who was at patm at suzy? = luckyshare -scam , ultramegabit -scam,
terafile - scam! (alternative host)
let's see , let's see.....
Dear webmasters!

First part of payments after billing restore is completed!

Thank you for cooperation!

Okay after 4 months I finally get paid.

There are things that I dislike in the past the still exist:

-3 day term premium (Not a fair share 'cause rebill is lower than initial. You know I mean. You get the high rates here)

-Deleting fake files report (I know you will deny this)
After the payment today, I will be using Asfile once again. Thank you so much! Aside from Filemates and Upstore, Asfile is the one I really trust. Hope you last forever.
-3 day term premium (Not a fair share 'cause rebill is lower than initial. You know I mean. You get the high rates here)

-Deleting fake files report (I know you will deny this)

We can disable trial prices for your files. People will see only 1,3,6,12 month prices.

Nothing paid...

Sorry, but we can't find your order. Please make order to payment here in "Account & Payments" section ->> "Request payout".
do site owners have percentage from sales generated from their site?

Yes, we offer 5% standard rate for domain sales.
For attach your site to your account, please place txt-file named asfile.txt in your site root folder.
This file must contains your username only.
When it will be done, please provide me URL of your site for approve for your account.
Dear partners!

All friday's payments are done today, because we had some issues with money exchanger.
Now you can create new orders to payout.
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