- Earn up to 65% per new sales!

Do you work with Asfile?

  • Yes, I work

    Votes: 75 22.4%
  • No, I don't work

    Votes: 188 56.1%
  • I will work

    Votes: 72 21.5%

  • Total voters
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Dear webmasters!

We strictly do not allow jailbait videos. Warn everyone(!) that Jailbait - is part of child porn, so it is important to refrain from uploading this content!
We accept only legal content.

I repeat: We Don't allow CP, ZOO, Terror, any murder videos and rape!

We will ban everyone without payouts!
Your balance: 0.65 $

Debt: 13.76 $

Earned for all time: 87.41 $

What Is Debt ???

And Also I Didnot Earned 87$
I Told You Before That You Deleted My Earnings Before Which Was About 55 $ And Down It To 13.76 $ !!!

Please Explain

Your balance: 0.65 $

Debt: 13.76 $

Earned for all time: 87.41 $

What Is Debt ???

And Also I Didnot Earned 87$
I Told You Before That You Deleted My Earnings Before Which Was About 55 $ And Down It To 13.76 $ !!!

Please Explain


I checked an fix your acc. You have only 1 sale 2.01.2013 via sms, and you have only 0,65$ in your ballance.
We dont delete your earnings.
You must work more for get more sales and profit. Enjoy!
2 thing is not good!
1.have to wait 60 sec's before captcha and 60 sec's after captcha..why not one time? users speed is 40-60 kbps...atleast 150 kbps required!free users are saying "yuk"..
Dear webmasters!

Today we finished the upgrade, which was designed to loyalty to free-registered users of the service.
From now registered and authorized FREE-users have the following benefits:

1. Free-download speed is 100 KB/sec. Unauthorized free users have 50KB/s.
2. Number of timers waiting to receive direct free link reduced to 1:1 recaptcha + timer. Unauthorized users have default 60 seconds of first timer, then recaptcha, then redirect to another 5 seconds timer, and last timer, depending on file sizes - from 60 seconds to 90 minutes.
3. Added logging downloaded information. If the user something lost from his computer, he can look into the history of his downloads on the "My files" at the bottom, and may download file again slowly, or buy a premium to download faster.

We hope that this innovation greatly appreciated by our potential members, who have already registered but have not yet decided to buy premium.
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