– PPD up to $65 per 1000 downloads – Any Size, Any File, Any Where free

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@ Yarden

Thanks a lot...i'm waiting for payment

i never expected u close affiliate program


u started well...i hope u will end in good note
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Delete my files
Pay me what you owe me

Stop profiting from our work
If you will not pay, delete my files

I send PM with my username and still has not erased, nor pay
lol this host was a bullshit from start. A very bad interface, ugly, incomprehensible, low speed ... they keep existing some weeks just because for the high rate they are offering and because of a large promotion they were trying to do everywhere.
That's not a big miss at all. bye bye!
lol this host was a bullshit from start. A very bad interface, ugly, incomprehensible, low speed ... they keep existing some weeks just because for the high rate they are offering and because of a large promotion they were trying to do everywhere.
That's not a big miss at all. bye bye!
what this filehost scam?? :139:
if they dont pai uploaders for their hard work this thread should been closed and this user who created this thread banned we dont need cheaters here right people?
Please close this topic
User AnySend - Yarden banned
They are scammers
Follow profiting from our archives
Has not paid the outstanding
Not allow access to the account, to delete files
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