– PPD up to $65 per 1000 downloads – Any Size, Any File, Any Where free

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Because of our extremely fast growth we are transferring to a new architecture to make downloads and uploads even more reliable.
We are also adding allot more new servers.
Some users
downloads and uploads might be affected we will send a mail to to this users with compensation that will be added to there next payment.

Navid2zp comment number #500,

We are checking it don't worry.

We have successfully transferred to a new architecture in most of our server and added new servers.
Our downloads and uploads are now even more reliable!.
I will send a mail to affiliates that there sales where affected for compensation.
Anyone else that got a problem feel free to contact me.

uploder comment number #504,

Minimum payout is 5$.
Uploading to AS is sooo hard !!!! I have to upload each file individually and upload get stuck half way , and dam app dont show any where to sign in . :cursing:
@AnySend - Yarden
buddy, please beta test your new archi then release, because each flaw after a release will cost you much or reduce your reputation.

you count download without your download manager..?? any slots for them or no slots..??
smartboy[FONT=Verdana, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif] comment number #510,

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]We are testing everything before ,but every new change got some problems.
We are doing this to better the experience for everyone so please be patient.
Downloads where already transferred to the new architecture so a program that downloads i dont know how many files from us doesnt tell me nothing...
By the way we count all downloads and there is no download slot limit.
Do you mean downloads from the web .
How many at the same time?the speed not using anysend is limited and if you download multiple times your download speed will be divided by the number of downloads.
Hi anysend your rates re the best nowdays but that doesnt show in the weird stats, i´ve never seen someone who said that is earning good money with you, i tried with 4 files and got only few downloads and earnings that didn't motivate me to continue and the file were exclusive. i would like a simple stat like this
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-Fig comment number #514,
Do you mean FTP upload?

tora comment number #515,
[FONT=Verdana, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]I don't know why you didn't make money with us cause everybody else are making the best payouts.
[/FONT]Things are going so good that we are adding new servers every week because of traffic.

rawalbaig comment number #516,
I can see its your third message in wjunction welcome to the forum,Any send uses a standard installer that is used in millions of homes.
We defiantly don't install nothing without the user permission like you are implying!.
I downloaded the anysend desktop and frustrated by it.

First it installs Avg Security tool bar with out any request wizard.
Close the chrome and remove all of extensions
Installed AnyProtect who starts scan of my computer without request.
Hang my pc and lot of fluf that me have to restart and then uninstall this Fu**

See comment on below link

Also on Yahoo Answers
Como desinstalar o AnySend? - Yahoo! Answers
This model is called Pay Per Install, Anysend earns a little amount every user download and install this software. Higher rates implies this types of techniques to make file-hoster profitable to their owners, the main problem is they dont care about user experience & security because so many times software come with malware, spyware or just junkware (Like toolbars and unwanted anti-virus)

Anysend puts their trustworthy in risk with it, but as u may see they dont care!
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I downloaded the anysend desktop and frustrated by it.

First it installs Avg Security tool bar with out any request wizard.
Close the chrome and remove all of extensions
Installed AnyProtect who starts scan of my computer without request.
Hang my pc and lot of fluf that me have to restart and then uninstall this Fu**

See comment on below link

Also on Yahoo Answers
Como desinstalar o AnySend? - Yahoo! Answers

This model is called Pay Per Install, Anysend earns a little amount every user download and install this software. Higher rates implies this types of techniques to make file-hoster profitable to their owners, the main problem is they don't care about user experience & security because so many times software come with malware, spyware or just junkware (Like toolbars and unwanted anti-virus)

Anysend puts their trustworthy in risk with it, but as u may see they don't care!

Is that mean risk your down-loaders and users?

Added after 4 minutes:

AnySend - Yarden
comment number #516,
I can see its your third message in wjunction welcome to the forum,Any send uses a standard installer that is used in millions of homes.
We defiantly don't install nothing without the user permission like you are implying!.

I'm not implementing, This is happened to me and I wrote the true because I was thinking of your filehost on my sites. So I tested it before.
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This model is called Pay Per Install, Anysend earns a little amount every user download and install this software. Higher rates implies this types of techniques to make file-hoster profitable to their owners, the main problem is they don't care about user experience & security because so many times software come with malware, spyware or just junkware (Like toolbars and unwanted anti-virus)

Anysend puts their trustworthy in risk with it, but as u may see they don't care!

Is that mean risk your down-loaders and users?
I´ll let official anysend workers to answer this, but you can guess their answer...

My personal thought is their software doesnt install malware/spyware, only unwanted and unselectable software that user doesnt have to tolerate.

Because when they publicy their manager, you wont never see;
Enjoy our great new fantastic toolbar addon with our ultra-secure anti-virus complete suite.

Why? Because unwanted software isnt owned by Anysend, it´s property of advertising companies that pay to ASend.
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