Anyone's Hotfile account working fine?

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Reasons why your accounts has not been disabled yet is because no one has reported your files.

Personally I have created 4 new accounts where i am going to explore and find out which files that's getting reported and which files that doesn't. The file that doesn't get reported is going to be safe to upload.
if you uploader like movie and music good for do change MD5 and put title both with number then upload..more good safe

my account was included on the first batch that was banned.

i created another and experimented something like what your suggesting, random filename, encrypted, password-protected, reached 1K+ d/ls on the first day but still account terminated a few hours ago.

so like what MrSandvik said, it's not about how you share the file/s but it depends if your link will be reported or not.

mind that HF has crappy customer service and one of the laziest that if you report someone else file most probably it will be deleted in a few hours and may lead to that account's termination.
Yeah, there are still some guys uploading on hotfile but they're "raring" their files in 2 or more parts, but i guess it will not change anything.
I'm wondering how many people will get paid tomorrow after the big cleaning. 0 ?
My account is still live. Have 2.2 TB's worth of stuff uploaded atm. I only post on my blog though and have recieved very few DMCA file takedowns.
Whatz the plan now on?

All we are banned..........but what will happen if we open a new hotfile account & keep on doing the same uploading?(account will be terminated again is another part but I want to know about the payment.)

Is Hotfile going to pay us on the old payment ID of paypal/alertpay or our payment IDs are also banned forever?.....(If our payment IDs are also banned then there is no point is working with HF)

This must be checked because all we know that it's not at all stable to upload in HF now on but right now it's not possible to totally leave HF...

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