New Member
What is AllMyVideos? is a free media storage service. Users can upload large video files in one click and make them available to friends and family.
You can register here -> Register new account
The minimum payout is 20USD.
One payout:
If you have an allmyvideos link video, you can copy this link and import to your account to begin sharing to your friends and your website ! :P
If you want to know where you can share your links, just send MP. is a free media storage service. Users can upload large video files in one click and make them available to friends and family.
You can register here -> Register new account
The minimum payout is 20USD.

One payout:

If you have an allmyvideos link video, you can copy this link and import to your account to begin sharing to your friends and your website ! :P
If you want to know where you can share your links, just send MP.
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