akafile.com - PPD 20$/1000 & PPS 80% at the same time & 15% referrals - minimum 5$

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I had a budget of almost $ 60 I now find myself 42 why?

I want some serious explanations!

thank you very much

PS: I would like to back the dollars,

Thank you and sorry
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# refer your friend and earn 15% from his profit
Hello wantos, I've joined your site few hours ago. Looks really cool.
However, I've checked two files of my reff (one was downloaded by me & another one was by a friend of mine), it added 1% of my reff earning instead of 15%. Did you changed it recently?
btw, download is counting perfecting & earning is also adding correctly according to the rate-table, which is +1 from me :)
& I like your site design also ;)
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