[AheadCloud][NL]Limited Admin Encoding RDP | 400GB HDD |32/64GBRAM |1Gbps | €10/Month

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We have added you on the skype :)


We believe your services has been provisioned.

Our Admin RDP Special is still going on so grab them while they last :D


All of our server comes with Windows server 2012/2012 R2

For further details open a support ticket or mail us @ sales@aheadcloud.com


Their was a critical issue with our current rdp node due to which all provisioning was pending.

But all the orders have been processed as of now and in order to compensate for this delay
on our part every pending order has been given service extension as per the delay happened with
their order.

We are now back on track with provisioning and orders will be processed normaly :)


We use automated fraud protection system which weed out risky order
which are than manually reviewed.

Your order has been processed and is now set to pending and now you
can proceed to complete your order.


For non encoding RDP their are around 20 to 22 users maximum.


For Bank transfer please place the order and contact the staff they will provide
you with payment link so that you can use debit car/credit card/netbanking using PayUMoney.

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