Selling Advanced Fire HLS Player (Multi Audio Video Streaming Script) | Supports Google Drive,OK.RU,Yandex,Upload/Remote URL and 5x adult Websites!

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We have adaptived Google AMP CDN system to our advanced version player. It has module cost.

It makes double CDN with cloudflare.

I think we solved the 1st domain ban(on cloudflare) problem. Still no complaints from the testers. ???
Still require enough domain count for balance traffic in between domains.

personally, i think its too expensive when there are others on the market offering the same for $100.
i mean, the one i use does everything your $1000 one does except i paid $60 and it just doesnt have p2p or anti-adblock. it didnt come with an api either but thats easily fixable.
i would definitely re-evaluate on why the prices are as they are, but good luck with your sales
Check features first
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Also, probably you using an nulled or re-stream (proxy) script.
This script builded for different purposes.
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I am not new in this sector. Thanks for your review.
Already I have 300+ customers.
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If I buy you can get an android sdk version?
Great work.
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If I buy you can get an android sdk version?
Great work.
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If I buy you can get an android sdk version?
Great work.
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If I buy you can get an android sdk version?
Great work.
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If I buy you can get an android sdk version?
Great work.
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If I buy you can get an android sdk version?
Great work.

Only have API for usage in external apps.



I terminated support of adult website resources. And i wont to sell video player to adult websites anymore.
Advanced Fire HLS Player Update v1.1 details

Important changes about licensing:
* management panel (main license) system converted to a license key system that can work offline. it is constant now.
* player domain license system has been revoked. (still can working in just one domain. it can be changed from the panel settings page now.)
* cron license system has been revoked. now you are free to set up a stream server yourself.
* the player/assets/scripts.js file will be delivered non-encrypted. so that makes you can improve the player interface as easily.
* google drive and api system are included in the script. it no longer connects to the outside. added on/off connection to outside in order to use it in an emergency just in case. default is off.

These means there is no longer a connection for license or api to the outside.
(no have any 3rd party website connection for license and api. with this action: customer rights are protected.)

* permission edit bug (just on editor types, at saving) is fixed
* tool page accessing problem by editors is fixed
* loader problem in player page is fixed

Major Updates:
* Google drive oAuth system have added for make possible download original video from Google Drive without any limit problem.
* Group system applied to cron worker. It makes possible processing multi videos at the same time.
* AES-128 hls encryption system is have added. You can enable generate a separate key for all segments or a single key for all.

Minor Updates:
* Custom field system have added (modify in /admin/config.php)
also possible to call this fields with player url and possible to add/get videos at api with these fields. also you can edit value of these fields in video edit/add page.
* Category+Subcategory system is have added.
* Custom audio segment domain system have added (modify in /player/config.php)
* Custom file download domain system have added (modify in /player/config.php)
* Custom video type system have added (modify in /admin/config.php)
* Added "select all" button on video list page.

* subtitle protection is still in beta
* automatic update (manually triggered) system
Already i was no asking our customer websites.

Also i am asking editor account to check videos for giving support, when it necessary.
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