adult network with Pop-under pop-up ads

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Phenomenal i said my 1st ad network is popads.


Its not about "traffic performing well" its about that, most of networks are interested about TOP countries like USA, Canada, Great Britain etc. Also i wrote about i have good rates from, so i dont have "bad traffic".

And i think i dont need to teach you, because you know the rates on the world and Asian traffic is too much underestimated. Also there is a lot of factors why asian taffic have low rate like
- strange nationalism (investing only in country companies).
- language barrier (Asians have big problem with english and many international sites dont invest in multi-language translations and support). Thats why international networks lose many asian advertisers. I know that, because im not super in english (its not my native language), but i trying to talk with lot of Asians and they dont know basic english (most of).

Yeah, i know advertisers arent buy traffic non-stop 265 days, so thats mean i need to for example use your network and pray, maybe in next 3 months you will give little better rates?
No, i looking for that network, that have good rates "in this time".
Its simple.

About your offer. First i need to withdraw money from clickadu, because i need 100$ (for now have 90$).
Next i write to you and test your "offer".

problem with clikadu is that, support didnt answer me, for simple question about payment...
they have NET30 payment. I read somewhere they pay 19 day of month. I reach in this day exactly 100$
and i dont get this money, so i dont know its about what day they pay or its about that, i have back luck
and i reach money in end day of payments.
i wrote about exoclick is a joke.
About trafficbroker have it next to test, but first waiting for edomz direct link.

List with tested networks. - rejected* - rejected* - rejected* - joke rates - rejected* - rejected* - pay only by checks - rejected* - i using it as a 1st ad networks.
popcash x - no direct link. 1 ad per IP. - joke rates - they have broken popup code. Also rates 0,20 -0,30$
juicyads - joke rates - waiting for direct link to test - joke rates - When u use it as a first ad network you have 0,40 - 0,50 cpm. if for 2nd 0,20 cpm. - joke rates. probably scam site.

*site dont accept adult sites.

Was funny when gunggo support want to cheat me and talking, that any network pay more than 1 $ cpm for asia traffic, then i gave a raport where japan traffic was for 1.60$ to 2.20$.
Also i know i will dont find 2nd network that pay like 1$ (or maybe i wrong?), but there is must be something like 0.50 cpm or little more.

Added after 3 Days 8 Hours:

AdEngage - totally cant understand this site. Only intext ads? 0.o
TrafficBroker - checked it. not big rates also 3x less ads than Also its "broker". Ads from other networks, so better option is to use this network with broker. So noone will get good rates with brokers.

Thanks for publishing your tests, hope there's a better option and you can share it with us :)
if 0,10 0,20 cpm is good rates for you...Also i have never seen so rude support ever. I was something like "if you dont like our low rates you want to block your account?". So i said OK!.

Rude support as fuck.

Now testing yllix. i wrote 3 months ago to support, one week ago wrote 2 more msg wtf they dont want to answer?
Get answered!
"Hello, I'm really sorry for the late answer."

Because they have info "Your earnings for the last 2 - 3 days are just ESTIMATED.
Your real earnings may be much higher!
Don't remove our ads from your website within the first 2 - 3 days."

4 days testing and have cpm like 0.03. Pff. Waiting for support answer for that.

Now talking with edomz support about direct link.

Rude support is something I won't ever understand. Why are you there people if you don't even want to help?!..
I remember that I once asked for help and the answer was something like "Why are you even asking? Don't you know we have serious mathematical problems to think about here?" In my ears, it sounded "We don't give a f***. Go find your help somewhere else". And I did. I wrote to asking the same and received a friendly reply. This is why I'm really satisfied to work with them.
08 January - 07 Febuary (Today)
355 sessions
103k users
5,1 mln impressions

01 april - 30 april
517k sessions
129k users
7,2 mln impressions

We are also accepting signups in our private network with better control and premium support, if you write me may be I can see if this is something I can help you with and get you good

Ultimately we have to sell traffic to someone, so traffic should atleast have some performance.
Now have time to test, so i will give edomz 2nd change.

Added after 2 minutes:

08 January - 07 Febuary (Today)
355 sessions
103k users
5,1 mln impressions

01 april - 30 april
517k sessions
129k users
7,2 mln impressions

We are also accepting signups in our private network with better control and premium support, if you write me may be I can see if this is something I can help you with and get you good

Ultimately we have to sell traffic to someone, so traffic should atleast have some performance.
Now have time to test, so i will give edomz 2nd change.

Added after 5 Days 12 Hours:

OK i done. edomz have joke rates like before. I dont want lose more days and money using testing this ad network.
2k impressions with rates 0.35. On popads have 8k with 0.70-0,80, clickadu 4,5 k with 0.80-1.00 rates.

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Yeah. I cant write every my test, because i cant refresh topic, so good you write.

1 week ago i tested They wrote to me first. Like every ad network talk how good they are and they will give me better rates than competitive networks.
So i tested it.

Result - very badly.

avarage 0.20 cpm. 10-15k impressions, 3$ revenue. With popads, clickadu have 2x less impressions, but revenue like 5,6$.

Reason why i started testing this network was that, clickadu have fu$^ed payment system. Have lot of problem with payoneer option, i thought it was payoneer fault.
You need specially for clickadu create prepaid card (1 year free, 2nd year something like 100$, lol).
With i dont have problem like that. Popads taking only 3$ fees and they sending money to account bank by payoneer.
on bongacash you have veerrryy good money for free sign up on cams, even 4.50$ for one. Here is reflink if you would like to support me or here is normal
I use clickadu and they pay every Monday. You should have got skype details of your Account manager. Ask them to release the payment to paypal. Minimum payout is $10. I got it everytime.
Very good alternative to any ad network is mediation service - It aggregates ~40 ad networks. Webmasters can sell traffic to ad networks via adspyglass account and get paid by Adspyglass or use their own accounts and receive payments from ad networks directly.
The most useful feature of AdSpyglass is - it automatically shows ads with higher possible CPM. So income will be much higher then with and single ad network.
I have started working with this system since 2016. Good guys, good system - and +30% of income)
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