Active Member
i wrote about exoclick is a joke.
About trafficbroker have it next to test, but first waiting for edomz direct link.
List with tested networks. - rejected* - rejected* - rejected* - joke rates - rejected* - rejected* - pay only by checks - rejected* - i using it as a 1st ad networks.
popcash x - no direct link. 1 ad per IP. - joke rates - they have broken popup code. Also rates 0,20 -0,30$
juicyads - joke rates - waiting for direct link to test - joke rates - When u use it as a first ad network you have 0,40 - 0,50 cpm. if for 2nd 0,20 cpm. - joke rates. probably scam site.
*site dont accept adult sites.
Was funny when gunggo support want to cheat me and talking, that any network pay more than 1 $ cpm for asia traffic, then i gave a raport where japan traffic was for 1.60$ to 2.20$.
Also i know i will dont find 2nd network that pay like 1$ (or maybe i wrong?), but there is must be something like 0.50 cpm or little more.
Added after 3 Days 8 Hours:
AdEngage - totally cant understand this site. Only intext ads? 0.o
TrafficBroker - checked it. not big rates also 3x less ads than Also its "broker". Ads from other networks, so better option is to use this network with broker. So noone will get good rates with brokers.
You can give us a try, reach my skype.
I can offer better rate and easy payout. - Mobile traffic? No thx. My traffic is 95% Desktop. - I said i tested you about 3 days. You gave me 5-7x less impressions than others networks and cmp like over 0.20$
if 0,10 0,20 cpm is good rates for you...Also i have never seen so rude support ever. I was something like "if you dont like our low rates you want to block your account?". So i said OK!.
Rude support as fuck.
Now testing yllix. i wrote 3 months ago to support, one week ago wrote 2 more msg wtf they dont want to answer?
Get answered!
"Hello, I'm really sorry for the late answer."
Because they have info "Your earnings for the last 2 - 3 days are just ESTIMATED.
Your real earnings may be much higher!
Don't remove our ads from your website within the first 2 - 3 days."
4 days testing and have cpm like 0.03. Pff. Waiting for support answer for that.
Now talking with edomz support about direct link.
Plugrush - joke rates.
Popcash - only 1 ad per IP
Propellerads - dont accept adult site.
08 January - 07 Febuary (Today)
355 sessions
103k users
5,1 mln impressions
Now have time to test, so i will give edomz 2nd change.We are also accepting signups in our private network with better control and premium support, if you write me may be I can see if this is something I can help you with and get you good
Ultimately we have to sell traffic to someone, so traffic should atleast have some performance.
08 January - 07 Febuary (Today)
355 sessions
103k users
5,1 mln impressions
Now have time to test, so i will give edomz 2nd change.We are also accepting signups in our private network with better control and premium support, if you write me may be I can see if this is something I can help you with and get you good
Ultimately we have to sell traffic to someone, so traffic should atleast have some performance.