A Good Warez Linking Provider?

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Sorry if I' making this thread in the wrong place but I find myself in a pinch! :arghh:

Well I used to be hosted by 55host.net but they said that they no longer allow warez linking and all accounts will be terminated in 24H.

That's why I'm in need of a good host!

I don't mind whether it's shared, VPS or dedicated (actually, I don't know much about VPS and dedicated :p) just as long as I have a host that is reliable and affordable.

My site gets around 10,000 UV a day and it should increase gradually.
For this amount of traffic, what would be advisable? Shared or VPS or Dedicated?

I've tried prolimehost but they cannot host my site since I have that "huge" traffic and they do not provide VPS for the moment.

Anyone here can help me?
I'm running out of options! :(

Please let me know whether you can help me find a site :)

Waiting for your replies :)
for 10k Unique Hits a day, VPS is recommended,

However since you only have 24 hours to find a server.

You can host with THP (The Hosting Palace)


We are a free hosting company, so far we only have shared hosting. But the results have been very good.

You can stay with us for a long time, or just until you purchase your own server.

If you make an account, PM me on MSN/AIM and I will approve it for you.
We also offer upgrades of bandwidth and disk space for a one off charge or you can build your own custom plan (Custom Plans are chargable it all depends on what you want). An 100GB Bandwidth and 100GB Diskspacke will only cost you around 10$ - 15$ (ONE OFF FEE!)If interested PM Golden Falcon or Me. Thanks Golden Falcon.
for 10k Unique Hits a day, VPS is recommended,

However since you only have 24 hours to find a server.

You can host with THP (The Hosting Palace)


We are a free hosting company, so far we only have shared hosting. But the results have been very good.

You can stay with us for a long time, or just until you purchase your own server.

If you make an account, PM me on MSN/AIM and I will approve it for you.

We also offer upgrades of bandwidth and disk space for a one off charge or you can build your own custom plan (Custom Plans are chargable it all depends on what you want). An 100GB Bandwidth and 100GB Diskspacke will only cost you around 10$ - 15$ (ONE OFF FEE!)If interested PM Golden Falcon or Me. Thanks Golden Falcon.

Thanks Golden Falcon and iMack, I'll definitely turn to you in case I can't find any host in the next 12h.

Also You Can Try With Our Offshore Servers Located On Netherland - Hong kong - IRAN -- We Can Do Support Of All Warez / Adult / Nulled Scripts ~~> Really Freedom <~~



Not to flame you or something, but your prices are quite high :(
And your design is rather unprofessional. But I'll keep you in mind though.

My advice go for wrzhost semi dedicated starter, cheap, high bandwidth.

Yep, I'll check that. They seem to be offering a Semi-dedi @ 30$ a month Cpanel.
I'll keep that as an option.

Thanks and if there is some other host you might share, please help me! :D

hmm....so one more owner of a warez sites hosted on 55host :) ...i am also one of it i have taken hosting for the time being on R00twarez .......but i am still searching for a better shared host ....which wont suddenly decide to ban warez sites :(
Well sure sucks .. 55host was great before suddenly deciding to stop warez
I have turned off my Vbulletin for 36 Hours now and I'm still looking for a good host. If until tonight, I don't get a reply, then perhaps I will turn to r00twarez or warezdealer perhaps?

Still waiting for Ultima to reply my PM concerning scenehost.
hmm....so one more owner of a warez sites hosted on 55host :) ...i am also one of it i have taken hosting for the time being on R00twarez .......but i am still searching for a better shared host ....which wont suddenly decide to ban warez sites :(

You can try Warezdealer :)
but i am still searching for a better shared host ....which wont suddenly decide to ban warez sites :(

Our's isnt good?
Just because our services are 'FREE' doesn't mean its crap, its just like paid hosting but you get it FREE. You can host with us for a few days/weeks if you like us stay if you don't change the host. :)
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