$5 Sign Up Bonus at FileShoppe

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FileShoppe.net $5 Sign-Up Bonus
Sign up as a content provider (uploader) at FileShoppe and receive a $5.00 site coin bonus straight away.

Sell your files
Sell your files on FileShoppe and keep up to 99% of the sale value. Payouts made instantly on every download! Non-reversible transactions means you can be sure your earnings are safe.
(Max price of US$200.00)

Share your files
Want your files to be downloaded for free? Earn up to $0.02 per 1GB of premium downloads. We pay instantly on every download.
(Minimum earnings per premium download $0.002 [min $2 /1000 downloads])

Premium Downloads, Free to try!
We’re giving away $1 worth of Site Coins to all downloaders to spend on FileShoppe premium downloads.

Redemption of site coins: Collect $20 worth of FileShoppe site coins and you can withdraw your earnings to PayPal. Withdrawals can be made in $20 increments ($20, $40, $60, $80 and $100).

See our main WJ support page here: http://www.wjunction.com/95-file-hosts-official-support/131681-fileshoppe-instant-payouts-not-your-typical-file-host.html

Any questions, please free to ask!
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Hi Examan345,

FileShoppe can be used to both sell AND share.

This is a file that is available for free. It can also be downloaded using our premium service for a small fee $0.01 /100MB. For each premium download, the uploader recieves AT LEAST 10% and at most 20% of the sale value, depending on weather or not the file was shared by a 3rd party. So far, every premium download of shared(Free) files has a payout of 20%.

On the other hand, you can SELL you files.

When selling your files, free downloads are not available. Uploader recieves 100% of sale value, less the bandwidth fee of $0.01 / 100MB (min charge $0.01)

In this particular case, the uploader recieves $69.99.

The upper limit is $200. Files can be price between $0.01 and $200.00. Theoretically, there is a possibility of earning $199,990.00 per 1,000 downloads, though this is probably unlikely to happen.
very interesting concept
so free downloads dont earn anything correct?
i remember filefat.com did something like this before with selling files
Hi Examman345,

We are considering other forms of reward schemes for FREE downloads.

Right now,if a file is made available for free, it can be downloaded 'FREE' or it can be downloaded at the low fee. If t is 1cent, the uploader would recieve 0.2cents. For a straight free download, no money is earned.

However, we are looking offering things like points which can be used to buy goods/services offered by third parties, such as hosting, or playing games where you can win prizes.

We do also give away 'site coins' to allow new users to try the service. The site coin are given away for free but we do honor them and will agree to redeem them for real cash via Paypal.
We like to think so. It is proving to be quite popular amongst the buyers (downloaders). Many 'free' files are being downloaded for pay (premium) rather than the slower restricted free free ones.
Sooo glad I found this filehost. What a fantastic concept! Upload a file of less than 100Mb and charge $0.20 for the file to be downloaded. And you earn $0.19 for yourself and FileSoppe earn the other $0.01 commission!

I had all but signed up UNTIL I read thier T&C's:

Acceptance of FileShoppe Site Coins

"Users agree to accept FileShoppe site coins as payment for digital goods sold at $1 or less. FileShoppe site coins can only be spent at FileShoppe on digital goods with values of $1 or less. FileShoppe agrees to redeem all site coins at face value (conditions apply - see section 'Redemption of Site Coins'). Users understand that Site Coins may expire and cannot be redeemed or spent after the date of expirey."

This means you need to charge at least $1 for your files otherwise your "money will be exchanged into FileShoppe credits which can only be used where? Ding Ding Ding, Our survey says "FileShoppe", It's the top answer!

But FileShoppe, I thought you said "NO money goes through FileShoppe nor do we HOLD ANY monies, it goes DIRECTLY into your carrotpay account".

So how is it possible for you to intervene and change money into credits?

You don't own CarrotPay by any chance do you??? Since CarrotPay is supposed to be a Merchant and Transacts with cash and not FileShoppe Credits! Could you explain? I'm a bit slow and confused!

There's a silver lining though. If you ever manage to reach $40 of FileShoppe credits, they'll pay you the face value in cash.....wayhey!

Sounds like a minimum payout threshold to me.

But FileShoppe, I thought all money went straight to.....Oh Never Mind!

Redemption of Site Coins

FileShoppe agrees to redeem site coins at face value of $40 or more. User agrees not defraud FileShoppe and make no attempt to accumulate site coins through dishonestly or use of falsehoods. User agrees to redeem site coins if and only if the accumulations of site coins are the result of genuine sales. FileShoppe reserves the right to refuse redemptions of site coins if any fraud is suspected.

So FileShoppe you have blatantly lied to potential affiliates about how your program works in regards to the selling of files...I suspect you're associated with CarrotPay in one way or another as well...I'm not going over the thread again but are your servers also located in Hong Kong (CarrotPay is based there)?

It's shady looking to be honest, and i've never heard of it until today!

I'm sick of filehosts raping my ass, DONT BOTHER WITH THIS HOST!

You're welcome for the digging WJ Community!
Hi ShadowHunter,

I think you have misunderstood what this term is about.

Please note there is a distinction between site coins, and money.

Money is money!
This is cash that can be spent anywhere. It is like having money in your bank account, your wallet, your paypal. We have no control/say over your money held in your CarrotPay account.

Site coins are like coupons
We issue coupons to encourage sales of files and take up of our service. For exmaple, a shop may issue a $10 coupon to be spent in their store. It is not the same as cash as it cannot be spent OUTSIDE of the store.

So what do those terms mean?
Obviously, if you want to sell a file, you won't be too happy if you receive coupons and not cash. So if you recieve a coupon as paymet for your files, we will redeem it for REAL $$$ cash. We place a few limitations to avoid fraud.

For example, we give away $1 (site coin/coupon) to all new users, and $5 to all new content providers. If we actually gave out cash, then it would open it up to abuse and people could simply suck us dry. We have a minimum threshold to prevent this and the only way to accumulate $40 in site coins is through sales of their files.

We also limit the acceptance of site coins up to $1. So if you upload a file and charge $1.01 or more, site coins cannot be used to pay for that item at all (not even in part). We do this because we do not wish our content providers to feel ripped off if all they receive are site coins.

We have been 100% truthful, and I hope this explantion clarifies our position.

Thank you for your time.
Very nice concept :)
but it should go mass then only everybody can get benefited ,

your alexa is like 1139k
i guess you have not more than 500 v/day either

At such stage it is very difficult to trust new comer
either you need a mass advertising or some mass media

One more thing what about DMCA ?
if a file is DMCA & someone is selling it at cheap price like one website mentioned on torrent freak,
what will happen to file ?
what will happen to account ?
what about carotpay

Carotpay 2200k alexa for a payment processor
does it support all countries ?
how to withdraw money in bank account ?

Personally i like your services and i will surely give a try to fileshoppe ,

one more thing is file is made as a free ,speed mentioned for free user is upto 3069kbps
so what is actual speed for download ?
for free files are you providing services like mediafire ?
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Hi Spartan,

Indeed, we are not a very big file host and our traffic is currently quite small relative to some others. But everyone needs to start somehwere and it is difficult to start at number 1 :).

Technically we are not a 'new comer'. We have been around for over a year now. However, given our relatively low exposure, I can see how people may consider us 'new comers'.

I do not believe trust should be an issue with us. We operate a highly transparant system. We do not offer payments on free downloads, so there is no need for any trust on that part. The only issues of trust come with PAID downloads. We use CarrotPay's split payment service which means money is deposited directly into your merchant account at the point of sale. You can confirm this by looking at the source code and seeing your own merchant ID as one the ricipients of the payment. Further more, you can test it by buying your own file and seeing the transaction in your merchant statement at CarrotPay, and it should be visible INSTANTLY, if not a few minutes later.

We will respond to DMCA requests as appropriate.

CarrotPay opperates mainly in China and Hong Kong. However, it will work for any one in any country. You can withdraw to any bank world wide (though fees may apply dependng on your bank) and to Paypal. Just enter your bank details in when you attempt to withdraw.

The current free speed is around 3Mbit/per second. I would encourage you to download a file to test the speed you can achieve. Generally speaking, users will acheive between 90% and 100% of the set limit with the exception of the HK mirror. The HK mirror is really only suitable for users in China and HK and will be quite 'slow' for all other countries.

Currently, we offer 3 premium mirrors and 2 free mirros. 2 in USA and 1 in HK.

What do you mean 'services like mediafire'?

Regarding your final query, please PM me.
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