4chan DDoS Takes Down MPAA and Anti-Piracy Websites

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Hello fellow comrades. Today we celebrate another victory over RIAA :)

4chan to DDoS RIAA Next – Is This the Protest of the Future?

Over the last 36 hours or so, the ‘Anonymous’ masses and many unaffiliated sympathizers joined forces to attack the MPAA’s website. Continuing with ‘Operation Payback’, today an attack will be launched on the RIAA. The ultimate in decentralized protests will go ahead and there’s not a lawyer or police force in the world who can do anything about it. Is this the protest of the future?
was just gonna say.. did everyone fire their ion cannon an hour ago lol

EDIT: wait just thought... isnt this what they did to the gibson in the movie hackers :o lolz

yeps lol we must fuck them otherwise we wont have movies to watch and life would be so boring without warez stuff and copyright stuff!i bet no one will like to pay when we get it free :D

how do i contact RIAA? i need to tell them i posted some music :S
Quite pointless all this. TPB was down and now its back up again. The MPAA and RIAA sites will be back up again in a day or two and then it will be business as usual. No real harm done.
This really is nothing more then a protest by the younger generation. Warez generally makes the world a better place. So okay, it stops the CEO of adobe from affording his third villa in italy, but it gives birth to 500 new graphic designers.

As much as I hate 4chan and what it is, it finally did something right.
This really is nothing more then a protest by the younger generation. Warez generally makes the world a better place. So okay, it stops the CEO of adobe from affording his third villa in italy, but it gives birth to 500 new graphic designers.

As much as I hate 4chan and what it is, it finally did something right.
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