[404] I Need help in solving this error.

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whew! thank you for your reply blast support.

first, sat midnight i made a quick draft in wordpress because im sleepy, save it, then shut down my pc. when i woke up. i cant access my site, i cant login at cpanel (kloxo). the next day i try again. my kloxo is up but my site is still 404. today im very pissed cause i dont know how to solve. i delete the file manager, mysql, and domain. (but i make a bak). now, i upload the content of file manager, add my domain again. and my new problem. when i upload mysql bak (localhost.sql) at phpmyadmin is says
SQL Query:
-- Database: 'information_Schema'
CREATE DATABASE 'information_Schema' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8_general_ci;

MySQL said;
#1044 - Access Denied for user '[user]'@'localhost' to database 'information_Schema'"

question, can you determine which part i was wrong? i really need help.

btw, i deleted again the content if file manager, domain, mysql.

waiting for response...
maybe your .sql is corrupted?
try reinstalling a new wordpress without restoring your old backup.

i dont think my .sql is corrupted cuz i xport it from phpmyadmin and the net con is fast.
if i reinstall wordpress again, does my previous post will show up? (it hurts to be going back again)
You cant create 'information_schema' database from a user account, its a system database nothing to do with your site.

Your database name will begin with your login username for cpanel.
You cant create 'information_schema' database from a user account, its a system database nothing to do with your site.

Your database name will begin with your login username for cpanel.

hehehe, im new into this matter. can you please explain.

//can we start on how to import my exported localhost.sql in kloxo?

the mysql database is located at [home]/mysql database/ and i click add mysql database. but all i can see is this

where can i import my localhost.sql?
You need to download the database, browse to phpmyadmin and click import & select the file from your PC and wait, you can import via SSH but I doubt you know how to use shell.

I think you have exported a system database and not your own, your backup should start with jenny_
sorry for the late reply. i already have the database file. how to browse to myphpadmin ?! the image above doesnt have my php admin.

1.) if i add a new mysql database, fill the Db name and password, click add

i have now a db. //i notice the the used section is color gray not green (circle) it should be green :D

i click my db name and go to myphpadmin, upload my .sql

and this error comes out

please can someone determine which part i was wrong. or can we edit the .sql file to make my site fuly function.

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The problem is that the sql you are importing has a create database in it. Seems your id does not have database create permmission.

So download the backup to your home computer. Extract it. Then edit it removing it all the parts of the create database.

Save it and gzip it again then import it again.
information_schema is a system database so you cant create it (as I already posted)

That file isn't your sites database, your backup will have jenny_ in the filename.
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