Other 1Gbit USA Server need 10 people

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Here is the current planning and can be changed when discussing with users :)


CPU : Intel Quad Core 3220 @ 4x 2.40 Ghz
HDD : 2x 500GB with RAID 0
SPEED : 1Gbps Dedicated Bandwidth
OS: Windows Server 2003/2008
TRAFFIC : 100TB Bandwidth
PRICE : $251.15 USD


ACCESS : Administrator
CPU : Shared among 8 users
RAM : Shared among 8 users
HDD : 120GB with RAID 0
SPEED : Shared among 8 users
OS: Windows Server 2003/2008
TRAFFIC : 12TB Bandwidth
IP : Shared among 8 users
PRICE : $31 USD or $32 USD

Come on guys, we need more users :D 3 more!!!
i think i'm interested but can i pay 30 ?
even with that its not easy for me

Added after 9 minutes:

i need to know if HF can be used
as i own prem HF
some advice. with 2 HDD in Raid0 the write speed max out @ 80-90MBPS . So u will be using only around 550mbps internet. If u want to get full benefit of 1gbps get 4 HDD in Raid0
some advice. with 2 HDD in Raid0 the write speed max out @ 80-90MBPS . So u will be using only around 550mbps internet. If u want to get full benefit of 1gbps get 4 HDD in Raid0
Well, we get 100-110 MB/s upload speed to FS currently. That's 800Mbps - 880Mbps right? But anyways, we're planning to upgrade to more HDD. Not sure on final decision yet.
One minute, is there any spot available..
and we can get the same server from OVH in 150 USD..
May be but, bandwidth quality will be different. We are currently discussing whether we should add more users or not. If you want to be reminded if we did decide to add more, you can add me on MSN. PM me your ID.
how ur gonna split it ? and is every 1 connect to it by RDP ?
Yes, currently we're all connecting from RDP connection.
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