1fichier premium for backups ?!!

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Active Member
hi i just wana know if some one use 1fichier for backup files and shared files as premium ?!

as i upload TvShows & anime so is there a chance of deleting my files ?! or deleting my acc

1fichier there lifetime acc is cheap there upload speed is great and download speed is good so what do u think ?!!
i use filefactory right now as backup cuz what important for me right now less than 1 TB
so if u have any suggestion plz share ^_^
i don`t care if the host pay or no the most important things for me :
1 - upload speed
2 - life time links ^_^
3 - space
4 - easy to download and have more than 300kb/s download for guest
5 - money

waiting u guys thanks ^_^
He was asking about PREMIUM 1fichier.

I also have premium Megashares for 1.5 years, using both as backup and shares my files.
Megashares do from time to time remove files because of DMCA.
u think without premium it's a backup lol ( 90 days after last dld )
btw u can use Megashares.com
i'm uploading all my files there ( without giving the links ofcourse )
& everytime i found all links for the movie dead i reupload them by MS !!

MS they r not cheap as 1fichier !!

He was asking about PREMIUM 1fichier.

I also have premium Megashares for 1.5 years, using both as backup and shares my files.
Megashares do from time to time remove files because of DMCA.

yes if u share them but if u dont they dont remove i'm sure !
but what if i want to share !!! whith 1fichier will not have a problem so i don`t need reupload from time to time !!
Before megashares used to have 3 months and 6 months at cheaper price. But now only have $9.95/month. Since I already had lots of files with them, I had no choice but continue with the premium.

1fichier is very fast and cheap. I already extend my premium 1 more year. I don't dare to extend lifetime yet. Maybe next year.
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