Tango Moderator Staff member 4,070 2009 1,636 17,595 Sep 29, 2011 #2 I tried this last week, when i went to pay i was re-directed and the domains were full price.
G george101 Active Member 721 2009 71 0 Sep 29, 2011 #4 i had bought two domains for 0.99$ some weeks back
D Devilz Active Member 1,003 2009 55 0 Sep 29, 2011 #6 1and1.com Services are USELESS. Is a User is buying a Domain or Doing a NUCLEAR DEAL ?? so much Terms & conditions.............TOTALLY BULLSHIT!!
1and1.com Services are USELESS. Is a User is buying a Domain or Doing a NUCLEAR DEAL ?? so much Terms & conditions.............TOTALLY BULLSHIT!!
X Xerosis Active Member 141 2010 13 0 Sep 29, 2011 #7 Buy it and just transfer to a more reputable service.
T Th3KiNG Active Member 1,748 2011 430 100 Sep 29, 2011 #8 do they care if i get DMCA on that those domains that i get frm them
D Damon Active Member 65 2010 0 0 Sep 29, 2011 #9 @Th3KiNG you can buy a domain wait 2 month then transfer it
yakamozz Banned Banned 221 2011 12 0 Sep 29, 2011 #10 they tranfer free to name.com or namecheap.com? also they suspend ur domain after dmca?
T Th3KiNG Active Member 1,748 2011 430 100 Sep 29, 2011 #11 do namecheap suspend domain do to dmca... cuz if not they i want to buy alot of domain whit 1and1 and later transfer to namecheap as they do it for free
do namecheap suspend domain do to dmca... cuz if not they i want to buy alot of domain whit 1and1 and later transfer to namecheap as they do it for free
accyuklad Banned Banned 2,638 2009 39 0 Sep 29, 2011 #12 namecheap have a spam email if you use privacy so they dont care as it gets passed to you but i not sure what would happen if they emailed namecheap by there site but i really doubt they would suspend
namecheap have a spam email if you use privacy so they dont care as it gets passed to you but i not sure what would happen if they emailed namecheap by there site but i really doubt they would suspend