+18 REVIEW : MangoPorn.Net

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Active Member
Hello guys we just launched our new project please check it out

Check out here >> https://mangoporn.net

we let us know about design logo and any thing which you think you want to see more on Mangoporn we are still in process of adding more things on site and we are wellcome new uploaders for our sites regards
thanks for the review we believe to work with more hosts due to dmca problem if video removed from host the link on our site will be removed auto and other host will take that place so thats why we use more hosts
Hey viper,

how're you?

Nice site, clean and without various unnecessary buttons, links and other things. Continue to keep this site clean as it is and your users will appreciate it.

Also beautiful name and beautiful logo, in the logo will be a bit better increase the space between the [M] square and the MangoPorn orange text.

Take a look also to this simple suggestions:

- Improve your SEO ( right now it's very bad and poor SEO )

- Improve the horizontal menu

- Switch description with the video. So put the video just under the poster.

- Change the Wordpress thumbnail size, your posters are very big as file and in the site are too many reduced.
- Crypt your links to avoid to avoid many automatic DMCA. Do this in all your sites and you'll save a lot of your time.

Best regards man,
greetings from Russia
I can't see video player. I open movie and no player is shown.

Tried this after turning off my ad blocker, still same issue
hi thanks for the your suggestion we will work on it :)

Added after 1:

about player on that time we was working on site and doing some changes thats why you was not able to see player ithere was bugs which we were fixing on that time please check and again and give your reviews :)
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It looks good, but popup is very annoying. I would suggest to remove it. People don't like popups. It's better to earn from videos, than from popup. You can get the same money or even more, but it won't be so annoying for your visitors. Just a suggestion.
hi we know that its annoying but with out pop we cant survive as video hosts are not paying as much as direct ads companies able to pay

File hosts pay more for downloads, than for views. Of course it's up to you, but after I have removed pop up from by website, it started growing really good ;)
hi this is not a plugin mate this is coded by us and @jackychen92 there is no plugins installed expect wp seo and wp super caches all are customized changes done by us in original theme and i dont know why you are not happy about it as you are just front end user lol
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