Search results

  1. K – private, trustworthy service for special webmasters!

    Webmoney does not require any personal information because they already have it. Moreover other file hosts do not demand personal info for webmoney.
  2. K – private, trustworthy service for special webmasters!

    This file hosting is now demanding your personal information in order to make the payment. Stay away from them
  3. K – private, trustworthy service for special webmasters!

    I don't understand one thing - why webmaster is obliged to share own income with reseller? The reseller also helped filehosting to get this sale but the filehosting is getting a big piece of sale and the webmaster is getting a small percent and needs to share with reseller. Novafile is the only...
  4. K

    Upstore Discussion thread

    The lifetime of affiliate cookie (last visited file) is 24 hours. In many other file hosting sites 1-2 weeks and more.
  5. K

    Upstore Discussion thread

    They're not answering to inconvenient requests/messages. I've tried to contact them many times regarding sales counting - no answer.
  6. K - Discussion.

    Refund is not a big problem, the BIG problem is chargeback. Chargeback it's a Refund + fine. Something like this -7.24 Refund and $15 fine = $22.24 deducted from your balance [eviljmz]
  7. K - Discussion.

    The PPD rate depends on number of sales. If you're generating sales for them, they give you a "small piece of cake" as PPD. If you are not getting a single sale, you will earn few cents in their PPD rate system.
  8. K

    Upstore Discussion thread

    Can someone explain me, what means Free "Unique" downloads? For example, today I had 20 Free downloads and 5 of them Unique in stats. Thanks
  9. K - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    For WMX: The minimum required passport level for performing top-ups and withdrawals is a formal passport that passed a data verification procedure. Is it difficult to verify account and get formal passport?
  10. K - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    You may open WMX (Bitcoins) purse in webmoney and send funds from your Bitcoin wallet to WMX address, then convert WMX to WMZ. This is the best way and lowest comissions.
  11. K

    Where does all the Filehost websites host their files?

    HostMyBytes, thanks for the info. I think to order 512-1024 Mb RAM XEN VPS, would it be enough for running filehosting script?
  12. K

    Where does all the Filehost websites host their files?

    Hi there. I'm going to run my own filehost for a few my sites. I'm not planning to open any affiliate programs. What are the minimum requirements for VPS to run filehosting site, if I will have 1500 downloads daily? I think to buy yetishare script. Thanks
  13. K

    YetiShare File Hosting Script - Official WJunction Support Thread

    It will be great if you add buttons "Move to" , "Copy to" in the next release. They are really needed. I'm not your customer yet, but I'm going to buy your script. I will wait for the buttons and plugin. Thank you
  14. K

    Upstore Discussion thread

    Guys, how many chargebacks and refunds are you getting per month? It's important for me, cause in some other file host I get 2-3 refunds per week.
  15. K

    YetiShare File Hosting Script - Official WJunction Support Thread

    It is so difficult. Is it possible to upload and make a copy as logged in user? Why can't you just make a button in file manager "Copy to"? I check the file(s), then click "Copy to" then choose the folder from dropdown list and click "OK" - the virtual copy made. Another button "Move to". I...
  16. K

    YetiShare File Hosting Script - Official WJunction Support Thread

    @ yetishare. It's not clear how to make virtual copies. Ok, I have a file for example: How to make a virtual copy? Thanks
  17. K

    YetiShare File Hosting Script - Official WJunction Support Thread

    Ok, thank you... Such plugin (blockchain) will be a good alternative to BitPay. I'm still examine your script, almost ready to buy. The next necessary thing is "Virtual copies". I haven't found this feature. Virtual copy - it's a copy of a file that does not take physical (hard) space. In other...
  18. K

    YetiShare File Hosting Script - Official WJunction Support Thread

    Hi yetishare. You guys, made a great script. But I guess, you need to add some features to make it better than xfilesharing. Is it possible to create plugin to accept Bitcoins using api? Yes, I know you already have Bitpay plugin. But Bitpay it's a third party service, where you...
  19. K

    Upstore Discussion thread

    Hi guys! How are sales now? I have and old account and going to start upload again. Are rebills still available? Thanks