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  1. N

    Done! Thanks! To use the affiliate program, simply go to System/Apps/Services/Invitations. People have to provide a name to access the files, nothing more. No email, no password, simply a (nick)name.
  2. N

    Hello everybody! We did some pretty interessting changes to our layout & concept. Here's a quick overview: Traffic Traffic is no longer required to download files. We decided to get rid of the whole recharging traffic concept and allow free user to download any file. This means there is no...
  3. N

    Everything looks fine from our point of view. Could you elaborate the login problems a little further? What browser/OS are you using? What error(s) are you receiving? Looking forward to your reply! Niko
  4. N

    As promised, the safebyte Link Manager is now ready to use. How to get it? If you're already a safebyte user, reboot safebyte first. Go to System / Links and run the App Link Manager Why a Link Manager? safebyte is designed to look & feel like a desktop, not just like the usual linklist...
  5. N

    Yes that's true. And for the main part of safebyte, it won't change. The system requires a lot of features which aren't available at our beloved six years old internet explorer. However, we're planing on building a very basic version of safebyte - including the main features to serve even...
  6. N

    Our security measures are strong. For example: your generated session token is IP bound, your password is encrypted inside your browser (before sending it to the internet), your session expires every 2 hours, you can even configure safebyte to automatically sign out after a specific amount of...
  7. N

    Could you please check your browser-console (F12) if it outputs any errors? Would be really, really helpful - we're investigating this. To fix it, go to
  8. N

    Would you please try again? Thanks!
  9. N

    We have upgraded the requested accounts. Have fun guys!
  10. N

    Could you elaborate a little further, like what did you before the page froze? Did it happen after clicking the mail verification link? Reloading the page (press F5) usually fixes the problem. I'll update your account within the next minutes!
  11. N

    You're now a pro user @minhete. We've also implemented various third-party services to use our remote-upload with: Go to System / Apps / Services / Identities to use them!
  12. N

    Good to hear that anurr! It's actually pretty easy and won't confuse your users at all - maybe my description was a little unclear. Here's a video of how your users see safebyte when clicking on one of your links: Watch on YouTube and try it...
  13. N

    We currently have no limitations on the download-speed at all. Free users need to have at least the same amount of traffic available, as the requested file's size. The available traffic is constantly growing over time and can be increased by completing a few tasks (free). As mentioned by...
  14. N

    Upgraded your account sixk1ng! You're welcome Mr. Ray :) Thanks for all the feedback guys, we really appreciate it!
  15. N

    We've upgraded the accounts of gooload & elle291. 6k1ng, please tell me your username on safebyte in order to upgrade your account! 500 MB (extendable for free, click here) are your reserved space. safebyte will never delete any files, covered up by your available space. However, we've...
  16. N

    First of all: We've introduced the Active file space: 50 GB for everybody. It works as expected - files will be stored until they become inactive. Learn more about it, by browsing to your Account-App inside System/Apps/Services/Account -> Space. To avoid the expiration of inactive files, become...
  17. N

    You don't have to fuck the dropbox, you can simply import your dropbox! More information on our last update (including download commission, additional space and more) will be available soon.
  18. N

    Glad to hear that 6k1ing! I will introduce a video about our remote upload and the upcomming download commission asap, please stay tuned! Thanks for the feedback sandha. I'll upgrade your account within the next few hours. Regards, Niko
  19. N

    We're currently deploying an update, there might be temporary problems but everything seems to be fine right now. Can you please describe your issue, 6k1ing? Thanks
  20. N

    Thank you guys, we really appreciate your feedback! You're right, as mentioned in the first post, we're planning on increasing these number as soon as we've grown a bit! Regards, Niko