Search results

  1. W - Free image uploading

    Shared at the moment but once we start outgrowing it we will move on to a dedicated server.
  2. W - Free image uploading

    I kept in mind people who make things like Photoshop tutorials when I set that file size :p Thanks for the feedback :) Oh and forgot to say the site is 100% CSS, no HTML tables :)
  3. W - Free image uploading

    Imagestore Use it all you like, we won't delete your image unless we get complaints. Script is custom made and we don't have any advertisments. Please don't complain that the logo looks like the one used on Image Rise, the person who made it made mine. Once I get enough money ill be getting...
  4. W


    TOpsites don't tend to give you much traffic, I may be wrong about warez topsites though :)
  5. W

    What template Wareznova using?

    It looks like they got a really simple theme and just played around with it mate.
  6. W

    Beware - Must read for Webmasters

    Saw this via stumble upon, just like 10minutemail.
  7. W

    WBoard Database

    The only good point about buying this is the email lists, but noone in their right mind would pay $60 for it.
  8. W

    [6/2/08]The Pirate Bay Interrogations

    I would love to be in an interview like that and just piss them around a bit :p
  9. W


    If your talking about hosting your warez site on their servers, no. if your talking about buying your sites domain from them.. YES :p
  10. W

    [4/2/08]AMD gives Isohunt new quad-core processor for beta-testing

    haha... maybe the owner of AMD uses ISO hunt ;)
  11. W

    TPB: Four indicted

    Looks like they're taking a beating... good luck to them! :D
  12. W

    ElitePrite not opened !!

    How the hell did he think he would get away with using Hostgator? :p
  13. W

    Laptop or Macbook?

    I don't like anything made by Dell, apart from their servers... because I really don't have much choice in that :p
  14. W

    What you hosted on

  15. W

    True confessions

    Im nerdy when im on my own on the PC haha :p But when im around mates and such people I try to act normal :D But sometimes when someone makes a tottaly wrong comment on something I know about I just HAVE to correct them :p
  16. W

    Laptop or Macbook?

    Yeah Baby Jeesus, I have my heart set on that thing :D
  17. W

    vBulletin Free Styles

    That skin is very nice, would certainly use it if I was on vB :p
  18. W

    Thanks mate :D