you can buy from rdaheaven. they are best i ever tried. fast support and very fast server
you are trying to say they scammed you when they did not. it was a mistake and they realized and refund you. what more you want? they never lie to customer as least not to me. I am with them from months and my service working awesome from long time. they make single mistake and you are trying to...
this happens when idiots buy service. you do not know how to use rdp and writing reviews saying bad service bad service?
stay away from this company because you abused their service and don't know how to use a rdp?
You should be banned for fake reviews. People ignore this idiot RDAHeaven is...
yesterday i switched to nl and server is very smooth for me.response instant and rar in seconds and download upload 80mbps. i think your internet is problem.
i will recommend rdaheaven eye closed
bro connect to rdp using the remote desktop client in windows. it is here
All programs>Accessories>Remote Desktop Connection
Enter your IP and click connect and then enter username and password. You will connect it will be just like your home computer but with better hardware and fast speed.
I am not sure but doesn't video splitting use cpu power? I am sure no provider will allow using cpu power for cutting videos at $8. common dude be serious. you know you are getting allot more than you paid for.
I think I have answer to that "winrar"? Like other normal people?
oh man you again? when will you stop posting fake reviews about rdaheaven? i am using them from 3 months and its nothing like you and your fake review poster friends are saying. this is best rdp host on wjunction. get a life. come out of your grandma basement. i feel sad for you......
yes utorrent hang sometime so i use qbittorent because it do not hang and give very better speed but i think it is utorrent problem it also hang on other rdp server
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