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    Need to talk please msg me i want your script

    Need to talk please msg me i want your script
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    Hi bro I need some help Can you i have a yetishare script i am getting some prblm Can you...

    Hi bro I need some help Can you i have a yetishare script i am getting some prblm Can you mail me so we can discuss @
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    Hi bro i need some help related yetishare Can you please mail @ So...

    Hi bro i need some help related yetishare Can you please mail @ So we can talk
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    Selling Yetishare File Host Script + Theme

    Hi brothere can you tell me whom you sold your script i want to talk please give me his email id
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    Hii bro i need other help.i dont know how send send me one

    Hii bro i need other help.i dont know how send send me one
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    Rapidleech upload plugins - Hugefiles/Hotfiles/Uploadboxs

    Can you help me to ad popads on transload file button __________________ Added after 1: Please update billon upload link becaause that is no more
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    how put popads on transload button in rapidleech

    Hi i have a rapidleech server butnto earn some money i want to put force ads on transload button please me how to add poads means timer on transload button its urgent
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    i need help related popads on transload button in rapidleech

    Can any one tell me how add popads o force user on ads i rapidleech please its urgent
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    Problem in forgot password

    Hi admin when i try to forgot password i complete games but when i click on recover it say game not completed
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    Allow requests of username change

    Bro username allowance increase psobility of spaming
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    Error in sending Email

    Just delete all pm