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  1. J got HAXORED!

    cool, if he decided to take me to the court I'm sure he will be glad to say what he is doing on the web(exploiting random sites) and what hes hosting(Money fraud sites, child porn etc). I could be so bad as guys who which owned him before, and post the DB in public, his fail company would be...
  2. J

    Happy Birthday Ravi

    Happy Birthday
  3. J got HAXORED!

    lol why? I just come to see is SN up and then I got some download manager which is offering me to download all files. Since it's supposed to be FULLY SECURE SERVER as truvis thornton claims I decided to show everyone how secure it actually is. If I wanted, I could post the DB as some guys before...
  4. J got HAXORED!

    First I want to say I'm not hacker or something like that, I'm just a newbie programmer who is still learning. If I managed to get access there, could you imagine what the real hackers/crackers could do? After they were down 2 days, I went to check are they up. I saw this(LOL): Basicly, I was...
  5. J

    SolidNode down again?

    STILL DOWN ROFL, he FINALLY realized hes retard who can't keep the server up on and he closed his fail company. GG @haxor, stop sucking viz0ns disk already, other ppl already proved what I'm saying. Only because you can't understand from some reason I won't be providing more proofs since I...
  6. J

    SolidNode down again?

    @prohaxor, why did you start the site if you don't have money for the bills in first place? It makes no sense. @ChosenOne, If he is securing them then he just FAILS hard since all sites he got hacked(including his personal sites). And don't telling me what he is doing when you were not...
  7. J

    SolidNode down again?

    No, they are ALWAYS having problems. Only because you can h4x0r some site with a public exploit(like Truvis Thornton) it doesn't mean you can manage and secure the server. Someone took them down, once again. I just hope their 5 clients who has stayed with them didn't get rmed, again.
  8. J

    Best skin colour.

    Blue and white
  9. J

    What you hosted on

    shared hosting
  10. J


    Only 1 person is working there and he has 10 duplicate accounts at SN and at his OWN forums. Retarded guy. Hope someone will hack him once again although are did it a lot of times and his databases are all around the internet already. If I was him, with name and last name posted in public, I...