Search results

  1. F - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    Hey! When I will be payed? I've been waiting for payment for 2 weeks now. :( My alias: fozzzy
  2. F - Fixed $9.00 & (60% initial sale/50% rebill)

    Hey, when I will be able to change from PPS to PPD? :)
  3. F

    Does anybody know about videozed?

    Yes, it pays. Paypa, Payza, Moneybookers and Wire transfer, min payout 10$, i've redeemed 2 payouts. ;)
  4. F 50% PPS and up to 4$ PPD and FREE RDP for premium users

    Hey, can you upgrade my account to premium: username - Fozzylt? Thanks in advance! :)
  5. F

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Definitely it should effect sales :) . BTW how much money do you earn guys from uploading and what you upload :D ?
  6. F

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    I bet it is for everyone. :D
  7. F

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Thanks for fast reply, let me know when you will need 3rd one. :)
  8. F

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    Moderator positions still free? :)
  9. F

    Filestrum is having difficulties and not recommended

    Please move Lithuania to group C :) and what's with remote upload, I can't upload anything :(
  10. F - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    Hello, can you check my account it's not counting downloads my ID: 3087442, alias: fozzzy . Thanks!