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  1. T 100% offline?

    funny enough I did one 4 days ago cos I had been down for 2 days before they went down for good....what a stroke of luck that was so I have my entire forum on my comp...just uploaded it to a test site I have and voila... I will up my spare forum to Tippee's server if he comes back.
  2. T 100% offline?

    How do I get a refund of the upfront money I have paid? If Tippee doesnt get all of us back online, does this mean he is finished or his he still trying for us?
  3. T

    Tutorial - Moving your site to new host

    O my Goddess its that easy is it.....Well nice to know for next time, I back up every 2 days and download to my comp so all i have to do is up it to another server, now if only it was that easy installing mods I would be one happy
  4. T


    They wont let you join :confused::(
  5. T

    Tippee help please....

    I cant on your forum it wont let me register, So i cant ask for help. I have an open ticket asking for help. I may seem impatient but I have my reasons because of being ripped off and being left hanging for days, not by you or you site, yet. Can I please have some help. I have all my forum...
  6. T

    Site not allowing members to see it?

    phpbb3 I have tried to register on their forum but getting errors on clicking the TOA And I know they come on here. This is what I am now getting and didnt before. General Error SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ] Too many connections [1040] An sql error occurred...
  7. T

    Site not allowing members to see it?

    I cant understand why out of 50 members only 3 can see the site and log on where as the others can not? What is the problem causer?:confused:
  8. T


    I have no idea where to post this I only joined to say that I havent had my payment taken from my paypal account yet but my site is up and running and members are having a dancing fit over it....lmao I put the address in my dns and thought it might take a while but bloody hell it was up and...