best87: Login to your Z.
tsamant: If you let us test via the server we can perhaps fix the routing issue via webupload. Our FTPs are setup differently from the system (hence the wait time).
Chrono: Check your Z. You used it before, so you must still know how to use it.
hatebreeder: Free...
Ayaka: List out who got shorter wait times and better speed.
best87: It is very active indeed.
hatebreeder: Check your Z.
Feche: Reported your post. Unfounded claims.
jerovk: Check your Z.
Chrono: Check your Z.
Yepes: Cashflow. Look it up.
best87: Check your Z.
juanvllma: Check your Z.
Ranchvapour: That yepes doesn't know how to read? Should have a minimum age in here to join if you are blind and join to type crap.
gibalah: Reported this post as it is...
NOTE TO ALL: "W" will be done today. We are also catching up with backdated requests. We should have all these cleared next week.
In terms of "P", we have met a roadblock with our third party vendor. We should have it solved for next Friday.
gibalah: No further comments. Good day.
PremiumGroup: We will have someone respond to you.
sleepyhead: If you know, you know. If you don't, too bad.
gibalah: That is a manipulation of our system. Downloading your own files from 500 different IPs is a manipulation of our system. End of.
nesmagu: There was never a pending payout; we cleared it all. If you mean pending balance, it means that you did not meet the minimum. Besides, your records are no longer retrievable. You were terminated for fraud (buying from your own account is manipulation of our system). Thanks and have a...
zizs1984: Check your "Z".
kingtek: They get removed too. Safe Box's purpose is if you have 10TB of important files, you upload it and it will be kept forever.
Silver Wolf: We will amend for this.
Chrono: Check your "Z".
nesmagu: Bye bye and don't come back again.
gibalah: Not...
AgentX: Exceptions can't be made. Kindly apply within with the right details.
glbalah: Not for now. Maybe in 3-4 weeks.
starnight: Because no one knows who BigFile is. Maybe using it exclusively will make people open up eyes who provides best speed and wait time.
starnight: Still earn more with us than other hosts. This is the reason why they sabotaged us ;)
marbot2012: Only if you pay for our server bills.
coolro: OK. We're not forcing you to stay with us.
Coroner: Today or Wednesday.
PCH: You should know if you received email.
admgamer: Should be fixed already.
ferretman1338: You'll need to meet the minimum. 11th of March is due date.
WFunction: You have not applied.
babana: Check your "Z".
jerovk: Check your "Z".
tiendax1dolar: Because under "Z" is the confirmed and completed figure whilst if you load up your...
NOTE TO ALL: For this weekend ONLY we will increase speed to 800 KB/s for anonymous and 1.6MB/s for free users. However, wait time will be doubled. Let me repeat myself:
We are testing it for this weekend ONLY!
1. Brand recognition
2. Plugins not updated
3. According to your theory: If wait time increased it lead to a decline, but then we would have seen an increase in sales (the mentality on here), however, we haven't.
brekk: That's already been fixed. How do you still see that?
tbfvrs: Soon...
gamess: You'd have to apply for that under "Z"
gibalah: An option we have given thoughts to. We will implement this for increased Safe Box storage.
sadraz: For your users, tell them to turn it off when using our site. Simple as; nobody wins here if they have Adblock+ on.
gamess: No time interval for Premium users. 45 minutes for free users, 60 minutes for anonymous users. Tell the users to sign up and you can get more downloads :)
NOTE TO ALL: We aim to release "Safe Box" feature on Tuesday the 8th. This will include a "Safe Box" (hence we called it this) area where you can put 10TB worth of files in that you want for safe keeping without it ever being deleted. Anything outside of the "Safe Box" will be deleted after 90...
LadyK: Only a matter of time when people find out that they can download much quicker with us than any others.
tlendax1sdolar: We will add neither for now as demand for such isn't high enough.
devil_lucifer & gibalah: JDownloader and other tools that people use aren't supported (as of yet), so...
Ayaka: Old files are redirected over. Anonymous & free users can download files up to 2GB.
Tell your users to sign up as free users for best speed and best waiting time.
Coroner: Yes. Storage most likely exceeded
nidzamarkoni: Captcha is necessary to prevent brute-force and auto-login by leeching services
drholb: Ask them why they are not earning. If they don't earn, you don't earn.
ladrl: Could be a case were your storage is at max right now. We are rolling out a new feature soon.
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