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  1. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    Dear all, We apologies for the numbers not matching up. We are in the progress of fixing this. It has been a long weekend (public holiday) and therefore no one has been able to attend this. This is to inform you that we are on top of it. Thanks
  2. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    Yes adult is okay, you can even see the option when uploading for adult or general :)
  3. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    Calm down, yesterday was a public holiday. flalho - This has been talked about over one hundred times. Read back in the thread and you can easily find your answer, or just read the information on the site and it explains it. Replying to all your PM now thanks. Jo
  4. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    hifl - Understood, I will look into adding this.
  5. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    Kindly advice how you choose thumbsnails before uploading? That's done on your own computer You can resize them manually in the string of code given.
  6. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    Dear all, We are looking into the $ problem that occurred over the Easter (Public Holiday). This should be rectified within 48 hours. Thanks
  7. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    samir007 - It was Easter holidays, I have replied to you.
  8. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    NITHUSUZA ​- These will be completed downloads vs attempted downloads. This has been explained 100 times .
  9. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    iyanricardo - We don't have any traffic limitations. If you visit 10000 images with, we will count only for 1 even though you visited 10000 images. As stated, we count per UNIQUE (just like advertisers do). And we don't accept bot-traffic, which is a cause for...
  10. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    RapidVideo: Miscalculation on...? gibalah: Ask them to pay you, and see how quickly they will put a speed cap and storage capacity down. You can't have the best of all worlds. fernandito: Not sure if we can add this for all the files for yet. Will have to revert back. Silkystar: We...
  11. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    stephen - We are working on optimizing all aspects of the interface to make it easier for you to use. I'll have your ideas looked into. danny - Just request before the Friday so the Wednesday or Thursday would be fine, preferably early morning Thursday :)
  12. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    dannyarcher - As said in my post before it's a new project. We are testing the water so to speak. Rates in the future can go up and then your earnings would too. I can guarantee you on time payments every month without fail.
  13. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    ms7 - Yes that is correct. dav3 - We always payout on our other projects you can check :) There's no need to worry about us generating money. Affiliates will be paid on time each month on the due date. Jo
  14. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    gibalah: Yes that should be very possible to do. Don't think people realized until now, how awesome it was to be able to store up 100TB by paying 12.99 (or 9.99) a month. ;)
  15. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    tvuploadxnet - We are testing everything out as it's a new project. 1. It's a start up, so once we get a better feel the rates will most likely increase. 2. We are known for paying out, on time, every week. 3. Easy to use interface and adaptable to all sites.
  16. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    jogue28: Check your Z, WM ending with "675". coolro: This isn't a thread for "how much you uploaded", or a thread for "how bad you're doing". This is a thread for support, so questions such as "your files cannot be downloaded!" or "the site is down", will be read and answered - The rest will be...
  17. B - Earn up to $5/1000 views.

    Hi WJ, I am introducing our brand new affiliate program at Earn $5 per 1000 views. Minimum Payout $10. Adult and General content. Paypal and Webmoney payouts accepted. Payment cycle: Net-30 from the first Friday of the month. We pay all countries. No traffic limitations. No...
  18. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    Note: Folder issue was fixed. Watch18Plus: Did you try again? We had some issues yesterday on system.
  19. B - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    To all: We are checking folder issue right now and the loading issue - We are overloaded as you can see. Chrono: Email. Silkystar: Will get it checked, PM me username. Watch18Plus: Not sure on this. I'll get it checked.